CDI said:
I currently light the room with a 150w and a 75w incan at opposite ends. That's enough light for what I normally do in this room.
A normal, un-fooled around with 150 watt incan. will produce 2,850 lumens, a 75 watt 1,200 lumens, so you're looking for around 4,000 lumens. A cool-white one-watt Luxeon should produce around 45 lumens, so you would need about ninety of them to equal your usual lighting. I haven't located a figure for lumens per white Superflux LED, (I think they're more efficient), but if they produce one lumen apiece you'd need about 4,000 of them to light the room to that standard. You can buy them mounted in batches on strips of circuit board.
If you are in a situation where power is in short supply, could you get by with less light?? How would you feel about a string of LED ropelights running around the edge of the ceiling for ambient light, and smaller task lights that you use as needed? There's a guy on eBay who sells 66 foot LED ropelights, one of them would do for your room. You'd want to write him and check on power consumption and lumen production.
Is the dual fluorescent in the Coleman lantern really that power-efficient compared to a few LEDs? I'm going for maximum runtime for the light that I need.
In order to compare, you need figures for lumens per watt. The luxeon I's are around 45 lumens/watt. I didn't see specs for the CFL bulbs, but you could write and ask.
E.L. products are very efficient, but you'd need an inverter to run them, and the inverter would be heck on your efficiency.