LED lanterns?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 26, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
Sorry for posting this in the flashlights section, but I couldn't find a separate section for lanterns.

Anyone have any suggestions for decent quality LED lanterns, useful for camping/outdoors/emergency prep uses?

Thanks in advance.
If you're feeling lazy, the long and short of it is that the rayovac sportsman extreme 300 lumen lantern is pretty much the most popular led lantern out there right now.
thanks for the info guys... Since the time change is gonna be coming up, I'm trying to put together bugout bags for my family as the first step in our emergency preparations. Still putting together a list of things, but I've got a pretty good idea so far, and I'll be consulting some authoritative sources about what to include. Aside from lanterns and flashlights, and spare batteries, radios and walkie talkies, some kind of crank powered recharger system, and so on. I know I"m just touching the surface here, but I'd like to get this all done by the time we have daylight savings come around.
rayovac also makes a smaller AA powered lantern that is supposed to be good, you may find it more useful for its size and its use of more common batteries...or not. You might want to look at some headlamps too such as the zebralights.