leftover Mag tubes?


Sep 8, 2007
say, all you custom builders that cut down Mags...what are the chances of you threading the other end of the battery tube (thats not being used) , slapping a cap into it and selling it as a HUGE storage capsule for us EDC gear nuts?
:poke: :naughty::naughty::naughty::naughty::naughty:
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This is a great idea!

I've actually done this... I made a spares carrior out of my left overs :grin2:

The problem is having enough tail caps or making them. For me, most Mags I've cut up, I used the tail cap as part of the light.

I guess real question is, how much would worth to you for a C or D capsule that is 2 to 4 inches long?
Or, how about threading the end so you have a tube extension. Would be nice to slap on an extension to make a 2D into a 3D or something similar.
This is a great idea!

I've actually done this... I made a spares carrior out of my left overs :grin2:

The problem is having enough tail caps or making them. For me, most Mags I've cut up, I used the tail cap as part of the light.

I guess real question is, how much would worth to you for a C or D capsule that is 2 to 4 inches long?

price wise i dunno...meybe if there was enough demand for an uber cool capsule....i dunno.

I would like one or two though....they would make the ultimate EDC survival kit contianer.....
The problem is you need to ultimately have 2 tailcaps. Just the parts to make one tube with 2 tailcaps is going to cost $35. Then for it to be cool looking you would need to cut + Re-thread both ends. You looking at like $75, but then I guess you could sell the heads and switches ETC to gain maybe $25 back. If someone wants one done send me a PM.

yea after factoring in the cost of the tailcaps (i would want stainless steel...), it would be pretty pricy... :faint:

however the old man did phone me up tonight and let me know he just got in 100' or so of 2" aluminum round stock in the shop, and new cuttng bits and boring bits.......... :naughty:

stay tuned....
UPDATE!!! this can be done for a lot less $$$ :caution:

one only needs to buy 2 tailcaps from http://www.zbattery.com/s.nl/it.A/id.691/.f at $4.50 each (or any store selling replacement maglite tailcaps) , and have someone thread one end of cut down leftover Mag "D" battery tube (the other end is already threaded)

cmacclel, what would you charge for a stock Mag "D" tube, threaded on one end (oppposite the stock threaded end) ? length of tube?

im not sure what the difference is either...i have maglites from 10 years ago and the tailcaps from my new 2007 ones swap just fine... :shrug:
Why two caps? Cant a flat plate be welded (or howver you join aluminium) to shut the unthreaded end? It might be cool to have two, but I doubt you would need acces to a 3 inch tube from both ends! ;-)

a solid end cap can be pressed in. This requires some close tolerances, but it is fairly easy to do. You would need a full size lathe to do this ( I have a mini-lathe ). I have done a number of press in items with the mini-mags and have had no problems.

The third from the left is pressed in tube to make a 3AA mini-mag. I combined 2 red minis.

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I've got two three and four d Mags that I was wondering what to do with. I would gladly trade the parts for some press in caps of good quality or even pay cash. Let me know.

I have a mini-lathe, and I can easily work with the sizes needed for a Mag D-cell plug. I'd end up using my drill press as an arbor press to force the plug into place, but it's sturdy enough for that.

I have a mini-lathe, and I can easily work with the sizes needed for a Mag D-cell plug. I'd end up using my drill press as an arbor press to force the plug into place, but it's sturdy enough for that.


I have a metal vise and woodworking vise - I usually use one of those to press fit. The drill press will work as well.
On the subject of presses;

I've used vices, drill presses, C-clamps, vice-grips, channel lock pliers and hammers to "press" parts together. I guess I've used arbor presses for that too. C-clamps can exert an amazing amount of pressure and are easy to carry to the work.

The drill press is simply convenient, since it's right next to the workbench and is a big sucker. My arbor press is too small for pressing a Maglight endcap into place.

and - when all else fails - a hammer and a wooden block...
Why two caps? Cant a flat plate be welded (or howver you join aluminium) to shut the unthreaded end? It might be cool to have two, but I doubt you would need acces to a 3 inch tube from both ends! ;-)

I guess it all depends how you want it to look. Welded bare aluminum and an Anodized body?

^ ah just polish the cap!

I'm really liking the idea of press in caps
how about something like this, but with DOUBLE "O" ring seal?


^ ah just polish the cap!

I'm really liking the idea of press in caps
how about something like this, but with DOUBLE "O" ring seal?



Thats like a $20 piece pictured. To spin that manually would take 2 hours :)

:thinking: why so long? i turned (for an unrelated project) a bigger one (1.75" diameter x 1.5" long ) with twin O ring grooves in about 20 minutes (blank , without polishing and NO knurling mind you.........is that what takes up the time? (i've never knurled)

EDIT: never mind, you said you had a mini lathe - the time makes sense now....i was using one of the industrial 230v, 6.5 HP floor mounted behemoths in the old mans shop, with a carbide bit on the hand feed :D chips a flying......

If i can just pry some of his students away from the row of lathes, i could prolly turn out a few of these.

I really need to learn how to thread now.......