Legal high im told..

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Flashlight Enthusiast
May 4, 2007
United Kingdom
Anyone tried Kratom ? I am told its a legal high, thats better than alcohol, and generally nicer, i have ordered some, just wondered if anyone here has any thing to say about it?
Never heard of it.

I can't believe the thought(less)police haven't locked your thread. First Amendment rights on the CPF have gone the way of GWB's interpretation of our Constitution.

Never heard of it.

I can't believe the thought(less)police haven't locked your thread. First Amendment rights on the CPF have gone the way of GWB's interpretation of our Constitution.


Yeah... we're just like that around here! But hey!!.... you have some other choices of other forums to hang out on if this one is not to your liking! Isn't that just really cool?!?!? So... hey!.... why not take yourself to those forums? We really don't want to keep you here against your will and force our ways upon you... THAT is really not our way. You really DO have a choice here. So... well... ok then! See ya! Toodles! :wave:
Sounds peculiar. From the description of the side-effects at sedative/analgesic dosages, I would swear it was an opiate (pruritus, miosis, nausea). The repeated warnings against daily usage are also consistent with opiates. I would bet the stimulant effect is actually more of a euphoria. Hmmmm.

Since you asked if anyone here had anything to say about it - and I know nothing about it - I'm gonna discourse on opium a bit:

Opium (and its derivatives), can be a lot of fun. Furthermore, there is no evidence that it causes any permanent neurological (or even physiological) damage to the *responsible* user. The biggest danger (in my opinion) is getting used to it. Since it doesn't sound like you have ready access to a large supply, you're pretty much in the clear.

In conclusion: Enjoy your kratom, sir! You'll probably feel like you just took a really good pain-killer. :thumbsup:

I don't have a much of a problem if you (in general) want to use whatever "stuff" in your own homes - just don't go out in public and act stupid, or worse, endanger or harm anyone else's well being...
Anybody ever try Kava which is very legal in the US? I was watching a PBS show in which they were documenting the behavior of people in a I'm going to say African but I very well could be wrong, country where the men drank Kava tea most every night to the point they had trouble walking straight but bounced right back the next morning. I've read there may be some long term effects on the liver though, at least for certain people.

Anyhow, there are quite a few legal "herbs" that can promote a mood change to some degree.
ya sure can get high watching a moon lighted sky or a comedy on tv
I don't have a much of a problem if you (in general) want to use whatever "stuff" in your own homes - just don't go out in public and act stupid, or worse, endanger or harm anyone else's well being...

I agree totally. You are responsible for your actions, dont criminalise something because of how they act. If that was the universal case, drunk drivers would get alcohol banned, but they dont. Im just going to see what the fuss is about and see what its like, but its not actual an opiate, its related to the coffee tree, but the alkaloids bind to the same recepter as some opium, so its good for pain killing and feeling good also. However it does not resembele any form of Opiate
Seems kinda pricey for the 'dosage'.

actually its not that bad from my research, i am going to paste an email i have sent to someone, and you can see what i am talking about.

Quoted material removed by Sasha.... Now THAT is the kind of stuff that will get this thread closed. This thread has been allowed to stand for the discussion of this topic. Please keep it at that level.

In that case if someone bought 2 grams of 30x extract, you could make it last for 50 doses or more depending on what effect you want, but if you spend 9.99 or that, even if it only lasted for 8 doses, its cheaper than alcohol, and the effects are supposed to be more pleasureable, you dont get angry and offencive like you would on alcohol.
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Getting angry or offensive on alcohol is more related to the person, not the substance. Personally, I'm a lover, not a fighter when drunk.
and sure thats true, but as a general, alcohol removes the controls people have over themself, so if they hold things back, they will not hold back. As i understand it, this Kratom has an effect similar to opiates where you are relaxed and content, although its NOT an opiate or even as addicting as those hard drugs, i am anxious to try it and see if i like it. To be honest alcohol is not as good as it once was for me, its very old now, if Kratom can give me a more pleasureable effect than alcohol, i will switch to Kratom. If its too subtle, then i will chalk it up to one of the many experimens of life.
Why do you want to get "High"? Is life that bad?

I don't get it, either. If things are bad, work to fix them, not drown them out with drugs or alcohol. If they're not bad, then why add problems to your life putting possibly harmful chemicals into your system?
Things dont have to be bad to have a drink, people dont goto the pub and socialise because things are bad, its just something to do. Its a way to feel different. Im just going to try it for the sake of trying it, im getting quite bored of alcohol. i just wondered if anyone knew about it.
... im getting quite bored of alcohol...

Then try water... or herbal tea... or anti-freeze**.... ;)

**this is meant as a joke and not to be taken seriously. Drinking anti-freeze can kill you. Don't do it!
I drink lots of different teas from india, china and england. But they are just tea. Im in the mood at 23 years old, that i will try something that is legal in most places including here in england. Its been used for so long by the indiginous people, so i hope that it may be good enough to replace my alcohol drinking. Plus the benifits of having an organic pain killer too... (remember its not dangerous opiates, just has similar effect)
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