hi neoseikan,
thanks so much for posting. it is great news that you have a large quantity of bodies completed, you will soon begin the HA process, and that you only have some "final machining" to perform. all good information.
the legion II looks great and many are anxiously waiting to know when they will ship. while adding the status to your signature is a good idea, the way you have worded the status is not very specific. it may be a translation issue.
i know a small tavern in which they have a sign posted that reads: "free beer tomorrow". they think this is very funny as the advertised "tomorrow" can never arrive.
Here is the information you have told us:
"Might be done in 7days." = 7 days
"Extra 3~5 days for HA." = 5 days
"Some time for final machining." = ??
You have told us that they might be completed in 12 days plus whatever time it takes for "final machining". We have no idea how long "final machining" could take. But the most important fact is that we have no idea when you first made this 12+ day estimate. I've looked quickly at some of your old posts and have found that this signature appears as far back as March 5th, which is considerably longer than 12 days ago. All you need to do is change the beginning of your signature from "Status == BUGS FIXED!..." to "Status as of 05/20/2009 == BUGS FIXED!..."
However, since you referenced the signature today, I suppose we can assume the clock starts ticking today. 12 days from today is June 1st. Then "final machining" will start. If we add some time for final assembly and packaging for shipping, do you feel some of the standard Legion II's might ship before July 1st?
Thank you