Legitimate 365nm LEDs?

those look like aqua to me... but at that rate can't hurt to try it. if they are true 365nm, you won't be able to see hardly any visible light coming from them.
I see someone around here is doing a group buy of quality ones. Search around for the post or hopefully someone can find the link. If you want some, get the good ones.
the one on the pic doesn't look even close what 365nm should look like.
i doubt they are trully 365nm, they look like regular blue leds. i would not buy them.
I wouldn't trust anyone selling UV LEDs that rate the output in mcd honestly. Should be in mW.
We use the Fox Group 360 and 350 nm LEDs for special orders. These are lab quality LEDs with a typical range of + 1 nm. Most UV LEDs have a + 10 nm range. Good 365 nm LEDs have a wide output with 80% of the output in a 5 nm spread. Low cost 405 nm LEDs have a + 20 nm spread. Even with a 270 nm LED that we made as a special I was still able to see a visual purple glow.

That's right,
They are 360nm LEDs! They worked great out in the desert last fall and winter from blood detection to checking sapphires. I have the 7 LED single AA model running off a lithium AA and it worked perfectly.