Flashlight Enthusiast
I took a low exposure shot to show hotspot intensity difference. we have the k75vn90( I measured 1.6 MCD), We have the Maxtoch L2k LEP I measured(2 MCD) and my Amazon 55W HID in a 9 inch reflector(I measured 1.55 MCD)I adjusted the bulb for better focus. LUX increased by 200,000 cd. I was surprised at how sensitive the focus is for HID. The K75 has more light in the hotspot but the HID does not suffer from the donut hole effect like LEDs sometimes do. The HID however has less over all light in the hotspot but its about the same intensity. The HID due to how its focused may actually out throw the K75vn90 past 500 yards. I dont have that much range around here unfortunately.
hidvsledvslep by Alex Littig, on Flickr
ledvslepvshid by Alex Littig, on Flickr
(Bottom left LEP, bottom right HID, top is LED)
lep vs led vs hid by Alex Littig, on Flickr

(Bottom left LEP, bottom right HID, top is LED)