Lets focus here :) get it? Focus?


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 4, 2007
United Kingdom
Ok, i have never owned one single light that has the ability to focus in and out for the beam. How does it actually work? I saw a youtube video of one going from spot, to flood. I know maglites have this ability but any time i have seen a mag, it was before i was interested in flashlights. Can someone explain to me what is going on to make it do that? Its so awesome.

there are many types of ways to focus
move light source up down in reflector
use aspherical, (magnifying lense type) move light or lens up down
use specially designed frog type lens, move either up or down.

easiest way to observe how this might work, get any magnifyer laying around your house, and move it in front of some light source you can get it closer to or further from.

the word Focus, is rather a bad word for WIDE to SPOT, i like the word Zoom better, but with things like aspherical, that is exactally what is happening, your focusing a projection of the led emitter.

other than that, i dont know what your asking. focus COULD have been in all of this stuff from day 1. i dont know why it was ignored for so long.
at least with Reflectors, you have both spot and wide at once.
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I see i was just now told the video i watched was of a Hokus-Focus led lenser. So you know what this light is doing? I may be interested in one depending on what it does to focus
the hocus focus is just one of the many that do focus, the COAST focusing led lenser , is said to be completly similar to it.
there is a thread on that here, that shows everything, and dissasembled.
just search for Coast Focusing, there is a review, and a few other threads. its about $40-50 at hardware type stores, and uses 3 weasily AAA batteries direct drive, that is its weakness.

it uses a OPTIC that looks like a Big fraun type of optic, a frogs eye , the optic has a large openeing in the base for to see the emitter when at a variable distance, and a flat top.
a single rotation of the head goes from spot to wide, wide has a doughnut hole, spot is not as harsh a spot as a asperical. (i modded mine to apsherical, jut to see what would happen)
from the "most used" thread, user Ringzero, pointed out this one, i had not seen before.


search here for Mag Aspherical for an insane spot that will go further than a lot of incans , asuming i spelt it correctally.
unfortunatly the lens itself was snapped up , so the cheap lens it can use isnt easily available.
photos from cmacclel, the mag apsherical has a beutifull wide beam with no doughnut holes.

some INOVA style of lights have always used sharp optics that throw beams well, but i dont know if any of them have included changing or zooming the beam.
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Hi vidpro,
Do you think it is necessary for a cree LED flashlight with a focus head(make the light focus or flood)?:candle:
Hi vidpro,
Do you think it is necessary for a cree LED flashlight with a focus head(make the light focus or flood)?:candle:

i dont know what your asking.
if your asking if its nessisary for flashlights to focus?
or if a cree is in need of something that does?
i dont know what your asking.
if your asking if its nessisary for flashlights to focus?
or if a cree is in need of something that does?

what i mean is a flashlight with cree led
because most of led flashlight(almost all) have no function of adjust focus,so this function is unnecessary ?:(
yes flashlights should change from wide to spot.
$2 flashlights never did, but people who really used flashlights bought the mag things all the time, which did zoom. even the mini mini mag would zoom, so anybody paying more than $20 for a light should expect that it would do what a $20 flashlight has done for 20 years or more.
anybody paying $400 for a light , should have levels, zoom, runtime, rechargability, and power too.

my own opinion, is that a total spot light is completly useless 5 minutes after i walk out the door, when lighting a path in the dark, nothing but spot is totally useless. then having a bright spot in your eye view, closes up your iris, so you cant see as well. wooded paths, sidewalks, spookey dark paths, lighting up a dark room for finding something, all of that a optic works better than a reflector.

best Path lights for me are actually optics, because they were about 10* or more, and the transision was very smooth.

then when your trying to see something across the creek, or across the lot or down the street, or under the bush, only a spotty beam would get the distance needed. then you need the light to jump out run 100 feet away, and all land there.
and if there is spill on this spotty beam, your eye iris would close up and you still cant see what is way far away. shoot through the bushes or trees and a big spill pattern just blinds you, and you still cant see what is making weird noises back behind there.
shoot down a dark street, and the rest of the street lights up if there is a spill. the spot must be very clean to be usefull to adjusting human eyes.

you cant read with a spot beam, and it makes an auful work light.
when working on cars, the spill beam does the same thing, lights up everything your trying to see PAST to where you have the main spot sent. i find optics are much better for aiming into car engines , because of that.

with Bikes, if you have some tight spot out there it wavers all around as you ride, lighting up about 1/10th of what you need to see, and the spill is about useless, again because the bright spot in your vision. so optics for bikes seem to work best.

with headlamps, a spot might be usefull for spotting stuff, but a spot doesnt work at all down a dark path, nor does it work for close up work. nothing drives a person wearing a headlamp up the wall better than a spot, that is to small for the distance used. you be craning your neck around to see something, when all it needed was to be more diffuse. many headlamps solve this by having a optic, medium spot, and a slide on difussor for different tasks.

so even if the light has both, because of a reflector, the bright spot, or the spill, messes with the iris, and it isnt both.

so the only total multipupose light, is one that can quickly change from a close up , or path, or area light, to a Tight spot that will go a block away Without blowing light back in your face, so you can see what is a block away.

the spot should be shooting out like a laser, only lighting the thing your trying to see, the wide should light the whole area your trying to see without having nasty artifacts, spots, and doughnut holes. mostly because your not just lighting up a light meter. but trying to see with eyes that adjust for the conditions that exist.
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also, this is easily solved with 2 lights.
for example a medium beam optics in a headlamp, and a pocket or hand light that shoots a spot out only. this combo lights about anything, and it doesnt waste power, because the spot light is only on when needed.

then outdoors , it wouldnt hurt if the handheld spot that will have a short runtime was an incadescent harsh spot, so you can see brown animals and such.
yes flashlights should change from wide to spot.
$2 flashlights never did, but people who really used flashlights bought the mag things all the time, which did zoom. even the mini mini mag would zoom, so anybody paying more than $20 for a light should expect that it would do what a $20 flashlight has done for 20 years or more.
anybody paying $400 for a light , should have levels, zoom, runtime, rechargability, and power too.

my own opinion, is that a total spot light is completly useless 5 minutes after i walk out the door, when lighting a path in the dark, nothing but spot is totally useless. then having a bright spot in your eye view, closes up your iris, so you cant see as well. wooded paths, sidewalks, spookey dark paths, lighting up a dark room for finding something, all of that a optic works better than a reflector.

best Path lights for me are actually optics, because they were about 10* or more, and the transision was very smooth.

then when your trying to see something across the creek, or across the lot or down the street, or under the bush, only a spotty beam would get the distance needed. then you need the light to jump out run 100 feet away, and all land there.
and if there is spill on this spotty beam, your eye iris would close up and you still cant see what is way far away. shoot through the bushes or trees and a big spill pattern just blinds you, and you still cant see what is making weird noises back behind there.
shoot down a dark street, and the rest of the street lights up if there is a spill. the spot must be very clean to be usefull to adjusting human eyes.

you cant read with a spot beam, and it makes an auful work light.
when working on cars, the spill beam does the same thing, lights up everything your trying to see PAST to where you have the main spot sent. i find optics are much better for aiming into car engines , because of that.

with Bikes, if you have some tight spot out there it wavers all around as you ride, lighting up about 1/10th of what you need to see, and the spill is about useless, again because the bright spot in your vision. so optics for bikes seem to work best.

with headlamps, a spot might be usefull for spotting stuff, but a spot doesnt work at all down a dark path, nor does it work for close up work. nothing drives a person wearing a headlamp up the wall better than a spot, that is to small for the distance used. you be craning your neck around to see something, when all it needed was to be more diffuse. many headlamps solve this by having a optic, medium spot, and a slide on difussor for different tasks.

so even if the light has both, because of a reflector, the bright spot, or the spill, messes with the iris, and it isnt both.

so the only total multipupose light, is one that can quickly change from a close up , or path, or area light, to a Tight spot that will go a block away Without blowing light back in your face, so you can see what is a block away.

the spot should be shooting out like a laser, only lighting the thing your trying to see, the wide should light the whole area your trying to see without having nasty artifacts, spots, and doughnut holes. mostly because your not just lighting up a light meter. but trying to see with eyes that adjust for the conditions that exist.
thank you for your reply:twothumbs
my english is not good:mecry:,i can only understand mainly of your said above,your mean is that a flashlight with function of zoom is so useful?
but,why people make flashlight with no function of zoom?for example surefire,pelecan,fenix,lumapower,etc..:thinking:
Here is what the Hokus-Focus is like... I don't own one so I can't go into detail, but the idea is one that should be given more thought.

for one reason, if there is a good idea, it gets PATENTED, and people are to cheap to pay for the patent :) or sombody hordes the patent.

for LEDs it was harder to design a zoom system.
here is one more
cheap at $16 full of doughnut holes on wide, but hey isnt that a CREE in there?


and it looks like it could be modded easily, plus it has a candle mode.
all it needs now is levels

ya see this stuff is possible, eventually it might be done really well, and really cheap TOO.
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