The recent post here "which manufacturers overrate their lumens? " got me thinking. Every time there is a post like that, the first name to come up is Coast. I dont get it. I have 5 coast lights and I'm not saying they are anything spectacular but - exaggerated lumens ratings? No way! The lights in the picture below are rated 12, 15, 100, 22, and 167 for the Coasts and 180, 120 and 10 for the Fenix lights. The 12 lumen coast is brighter than the fenix E01 by a small margin. The 15 Lumen coast in my eyes seems about twice as bright as the E01. The 100 lumen Coast is probably in the ballpark. The Fenix E01 is the dimmest of this bunch. Lets see who is exaggerating their lumens - Fenix or Coast. Anyone want to venture a guess as to which is the brightest of these lights?
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