
So what's the point? May as well go underground, we've been here before.
Well hey sorry I thought it might have been of interest - I thought it was an amazing photo (and as a photographer I appreciate the composition and hard work it must have been) and it wasn't ment to be contrivertial or anything - people seem to post tons of differant things in cafe - so I thought it was ok- can someone verify if this was against the rules
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Nothing wrong with this. It really is quite a neat photo! MarNav... what is your objection to it? :thinking:
Neat photo to see these old photo's of patriotic themes...first time I saw this one...I'll ahve to print this one out and put it up in my office/class! Thanks!
Neat photo and I've never seen it before. Imagine the logistical process of getting that together.
18,000 men could have done something much more useful with their time.

my 0.2 cents.
18,000 men could have done something much more useful with their time.

my 0.2 cents.


Would it have been better spent had they all been in front of computer screens typing on a flashlight forum? It's art. The world could always be more "useful" in its ways but I suspect this has achieved greater usefulness over the past 95 years than what you and I are doing right now.

One could even argue for the extensive organizational skills involved in something like this. If you're objecting to the manpower itself, think about how seemingly useless exercises in basic training are less about actual task accomplishment and more about self improvement in accordance with a military mindset. Judging by the date, I'm sure a lot of these guys were being "useful" in WWI.
there is a lot of waste on this planet, and a lot of need.

personally id like to see much less of both.
Empath... nice link! Thank you! :thumbsup:

waddup... did you read the link Empath provided? Seems these gentlemen actually WERE doing something worthwhile... this was actually done to sell warbonds. Very interesting! BTW... I agree with Patriot... don't you have something better to do with your time than hang out on an internet bulletin board talking about flashlights?!?!? No? Ok. We won't judge you for that or make disparaging remarks. For the most part, none of us around here are like that... ;)
Empath, how you found that link is amazing! Perfect to find it was taken in 1918 !!!

Amazing to read the details of numbers in torch flame vs. rest.

Look at all these others at the Hammer Gallery. WOW! The U.S. Shield used 30,000 men!
The monumentality of this project somewhat overshadows the philanthropic magnanimity of the artists themselves.Instead of prospering from the sale of the images produced, the artists donated the entire income derived to the families of the returning soldiers and to this country's efforts to re-build their lives as a part of the re-entry process.
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Very interesting read on the history behind this picture. It must have taken a lot of time to lay out the lines, taking into account the distortion due to perspective. And they did it in sweltering heat. Fascinating stuff!

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