Newly Enlightened
- Most of us are aware of OHM's law and how to use the formula, which I've used for years. I know a little bit about Lux and lumens Candle power and roughly how bright a 35 or 55 watt bulb is. But is there a chart, or a page, or a link as a one-stop-shop that could explain or compare the difference between all three? I know about reflection, defraction, refraction with respect to RF and the same holds true for light, because physics is physics.
- Also I see some of you submitted usage charts for a particular light. Have there been any charts created that shows today's high tech flashlights compared to yesteryear's old incandecent 5 "D" cell
- I also have a unique interest in batteries from lead to gel, to carbon, NOT as a collector but more into the nitty gritty and the science within. I'm curious to learn about the efficiencies of today's newer generation batteries comapred to the older ones. (tubes to transistors to chips?)