My POV is this light is worth every cent. Unfortunately this model is discontinued and no longer available.
Its UI is something special, a delight for flashaholics. As mentioned above it's very bright, pure white (not blueish),
even with primaries and its beam pattern is perfect, with a smooth transition between spot and spill.
Very handy, has the right dimensions to hold it comfy in your hand and the switch is easy to operate but not as flimsy as the LF2XT.
The delayed response (1/2 sec) since you press it till the light is on might not like to everybody (but surely is not hard to live with it).
IMO, this is a very interesting light to keep in your collection. A pity I only could get one.
BTW, I also dropped mine on the floor and nothing happened to the light (even a ding in the ano), so I think njet212 had bad luck.