LiteFlux LF5XT Opinions?

Dan FO

Feb 10, 2009
What is your opinion on this light? If you own one how has it held up?


I have bought one of the last remaining LF5XTs from LED Cool. The beam is perfect and very bright on AW 14500. The light is whinning a bit on max. I had some minor issues with the switch, but I unscrewed it just a bit and it now works fine. The quality of HA NAT is just perfect.
I have bought one of the last remaining LF5XTs from LED Cool. The beam is perfect and very bright on AW 14500. The light is whinning a bit on max. I had some minor issues with the switch, but I unscrewed it just a bit and it now works fine. The quality of HA NAT is just perfect.

How did you contact him? I have been wanting to buy one also, but several PM's to him here have gone unanswered.
LF5XT totally not reliable and not worth every cent i have spent. I was dropped it accidentally and there were something rattle inside the head and i could not turn it on either.

Sent 28 march to Ledcool, to repaired and still have to wait until now. Last month (September) he said if he did not hear back from Liteflux, he will give me refund.

Until 3 October did not hear back again from him then i sent him email at 4 Oct and he said my LF5XT is on the way to Ledcool. Can't really wait anymore longer and i replied his email by asking refund as he promised ( in fact if i did not sent him emailed at 4 Oct he would probably never sent me an update/email ).

Until this day still not hear back from him and i just will let those money go. And i always said this when someone asking about Liteflux especially LF5XT also this is would be my last Liteflux. There are a lot versatile 1xAA to choose rather than Liteflux LF5XT.
My POV is this light is worth every cent. Unfortunately this model is discontinued and no longer available.
Its UI is something special, a delight for flashaholics. As mentioned above it's very bright, pure white (not blueish),
even with primaries and its beam pattern is perfect, with a smooth transition between spot and spill.
Very handy, has the right dimensions to hold it comfy in your hand and the switch is easy to operate but not as flimsy as the LF2XT.
The delayed response (1/2 sec) since you press it till the light is on might not like to everybody (but surely is not hard to live with it).
IMO, this is a very interesting light to keep in your collection. A pity I only could get one.

BTW, I also dropped mine on the floor and nothing happened to the light (even a ding in the ano), so I think njet212 had bad luck.
Thing will break someday, everything will break someday. Am I having bad luck? based on compaliso post, YES i have bad luck. He dropped his LF5XT on the floor and his light just still function well, mine DOA suddenly.

But OP, i tell you something, checked LF5XT sales thread on CPF. There are some dudes also have same problem with mine, their lights still on LEDCOOL for months !! also LEDCOOL only give his PROMISE just like mine and never fulfill his promise.

Don't really want talk about LUCK here, but i'm talking about dealer responsibility and warranty for "VERSATILE" AA light Liteflux. I don't think warranty process over months will be tolerable and reasonable. That's it !

I think you're really upset because you got a DOA light, but LedCool is just a dealer not the manufacturer.
He cannot do anything more than send the light to Liteflux Co., but this model is currently discontinued and LF doesn't have the components needed to fix the problem.
IMO, a refund is what you should get from LedCool. Good luck this time!
I was very happy with my LF5XT which performed faultlessly. :)

Eventually I sold it because it was a tad too long for pocket carry but the new owner is happy too.
Like i said things will break, so i always keep this in mind. No i'm not upset with DOA LF5XT. Just upset with LEDCOOL, he is not keep his own word.

He cannot do anything more than send the light to Liteflux Co., but this model is currently discontinued and LF doesn't have the components needed to fix the problem.

I know he is just a dealer and he need sent it to Liteflux, he already stated it on his email. And he also said the part for LF5XT is back ordered. Just like you said this is discontinued model, when thing happened like mine, guess how long you'll wait to get it fixed?

Anyway thanks for the heads up Compaliso.
Dealer discussions belong in CPF/MP.

njet212, you might be interested in the Jeers subforum in CPF/MP for pursuing a dealer complaint. If you were interested in this option, it's a good idea to check the rules for that subforum first.

Hope things work out,
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Ok, I had a chance to buy one but after reading your opinions I am going to pass on this one.
There're supposed to be new versions of the LiteFluxes coming out in Dec. or so from what I've heard in other threads here... I hope they continue to use the premium neutral white emitters and have that narrow, throwy beam profile.

My post might be look like belong to Jeers subforum, but actually it just a response and explanation to Compaliso and OP.

Btw Yesterday LEDCOOL sent me an email and my LF5XT has been fixed. It's on the way to my door now..

He also said there will be AAA SS version will be released but relase date still TBA.
To this day I still really like my black and natural LF5XT. In addition to those two, I also have: nat LF3XT, LF2XT, LF2x. Every one of them is a fantastic light.
I have one but had to send it back due to a faulty switch, it has been with liteflux for over a year now and I have given up contactin LEDcool because it was always the same excuse, liteflux are waiting on such and such a part, liteflux havent got that part anymore so they have to make a whole new batch it will be returned to you next week, next month, next year!

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