Locktite superglue gas off? EDIT: OOps I meant out gassing!

Sgt. LED

Sep 4, 2007
Chesapeake, Ohio
How long does it take this stuff to stop off gassing?

I know it's a small question but I think 48 hours. I don't want to risk fogging my reflector or lens!
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Re: Locktite superglue gas off?

Ahhh, you mean "out gassing".

Placing it in a strong vacuum will help but that is not often possible in home shops. Elevated temperatures may help also. With some compounds activated charcoal will help scavenge organic molecules.
Re: Locktite superglue gas off?

:eek: Yeah I've never been one to use the proper terminology!

Can't do the vaccum thing but I do have a fan on it in a warm room.
Thanks for the assistance guys.
Re: Locktite superglue gas off?

Space heaters, the utility type with fans, can help. Just set the object far enough away and monitor the temperature. The fan helps to blow away any stray reactive molecules.:)