looking for a 4300k light


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 18, 2012
London Heathrow
hi, I don't see many 4300k lights / LED's around right?
I know pflexpro I am sure did them.
looking for a quality 4300 white light or the LED.

I thought elzetta was close in that with their AVS's.


4300K is a bit specific for tint.

I use Rosco 304 tint filter in alot of stuff, makes a super neutral tint w/o being yellow.
--it looks darker online than in use, I'v tried many & it's my favorite.

If added to a 'neutral tint' light, it's warmish, but not too warm.
LEDs are typically grouped in basic 500K steps, to get that specific you'd have to test a lot of LEDs and find one that is either 4000K that is abnormally cold, probably a heavy green/purple tint, or a 4500K LED that is abnormally warm with a heavy shift to yellow/rose tint.

Note: depending on the manufacturer of the LED you may or may not be able to select a part tint bin or step binning, and even then assuming you can actually find a particular bin to buy.

In the case of Cree, assuming you can actually find the specific bin, you'd want something like a 5B1 or 5A2 tint bin which would fall in the 4100-4250K range I'd guess based on the tint chart.
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I'm able to make custom lighting filters in spray paint form. Any 4000k LED behind a lens painted with enough "Warm Delete" coating would become 4300k. Acetone removes it, so you could fiddle until you find your sweet spot.
I've read on here somewhere that the LED maglite solitaire (47 lumen one) seems like it has a 4300 color temp. Mine has a nice color temp and beam.
If you look for general light quality and real, vivid colors then color temperature is just one part of it. I have experience 6 years in making custom headlamps and we previously used Cree XM-L2 5000K CRI70, Cree XP-L2 4000K CRI70, Cree XP-L2 4000K CRI90min. and now using Cree XP-L2 4500K CRI70 and Samsung LH351D 5000K CRI90min.

The latest Samsung LEDs are the best in color quality and better than all others we used. We have them in 5000K but its absolutely neutral white with no other tint, truly neutral white color in every sample. Maukka tested them on BLF some time ago and he measured CRI92-CRI94 on 4 samples and very high R indices which is fantanstic for such high performing emitter. I havent done any comparison with favourite Nichia 219C leds but personally I could not imagine anything better.
is that the latest Solitaire?.
I heard there was 2.
thank you...

Not too sure, but if memory serves me right it is the 47 lumen one. I think it has a good color temp and beam. Only negative is it goes out without much warning when the battery gets too low. There is a step down before that though, but sometimes I don't notice it or if I get done using the light and later on I go to use it again I forget. Best to carry a back up light or spare battery with you when using it at all. I guess the incan version got such a bad rep for being dim that mag instruments didn't want anyone accusing the led version of that. I respect Tony for that, but it makes not want to use it as much although I really like it. I think step down is a half hour to 15 minutes before shutoff.
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I've read on here somewhere that the LED maglite solitaire (47 lumen one) seems like it has a 4300 color temp. Mine has a nice color temp and beam.

The solitaire by age L to R against an eggshell colored door.

Incan, 37 lumen, 47 lumen and 36 lumen spectrum warm.
The 37 lumen looks to be about 5000, the 47 looks to be around 6000 and the spectrum warm about 4000.
I have a PFlexPro 4300K. XP-L HI. One of my best lights. Need some beam Shots?

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