Looking for a gift for a NonFlashaholicFriend/Family member


Jun 14, 2007
South Texas
I've got NFFs (nonflashaholicFriends/Family) that I'm wanting to try and get more serious about carrying or at least having a light handy.

So, I'm looking forward to Christmas and a handful of bdays between here and there. I'm thinking about getting some flashlights for them on their respective holidays. I know we can't really change people, but I'm hoping that I can at least influence them, or at the very least, provide a useful tool in a time of need.

I know the fauxtons get recommended a bunch as give aways, and I'll probably do that anyway, but I kinda want to give a decentish flashlight to my NFFs.

Easily available battery. As much as I'd love to go the P1D/P2D-CE route, I think CR123a's are going to put them off. So, either AA or AAA.

Size: Smallish. Something that's easy to carry and possibly be able to EDC without worrying or being inconvenienced.

Simple UI. I personally love the versatility of multi-level lights... however, I have no idea if my victims are of the same mind or can successfully use that kind of UI.

Runtime. This is always a tough one... because you try and balance Runtime vs Output. A 30hr light sounds great... but I kinda would like my light to WOW them and have more output than their cellphone.

Price. I actually have 2 categories. One set of NFFs has a limit of $25. The other set of NFFs can go up to $50. There are 3 people in each category.

Ultrafire WF-606A1 - I know nothing about this light. Size a little on the big side, but otherwise acceptable
Fenix L2P/L2S - (might be pushing it on the UI. It would be for one of my parents)
Lumapower LM301 - really leaning toward this one for all on my list (and me) :naughty: The pricepoint would allow me to stay in budget too.
LumaPower LumaCraft Formula One F1 with Seoul SSC P4 LED ~70 lumens 1xAA
MiniPalm Luxeon III 1-Watt Flashlight F-P1AA - Only downer on this is the runtime... but it's single AA and who doesn't have tons of those?
RiverRock 1AA 1Watt light. - Runtime is short, but it's a great size and output.
Inova X1. Say what you want, it's solid form, ease of use, size and output make it a decent all-around flashlight. I'd have no problem giving one to a NFF.

Any tips? Is it possible to turn a NFF over to the Light Side?
I think that because the targets of your gifts are people who are not (not yet...:cool:) flashlight fans the general appearance and surface finish should also play a major role in your choice.

In this respect LM301 is surely a winner.

For the cheaper choice I would vote for Inova X1.

Non-flasholics would not deliberately carry a light. I would suggest keychain sized lights.

in addition to the LOD-CE or Rebel take a look at
UltraFire B3 Luxeon PWT Flashlight (AAA))
For the Ultrafire you will have to buy a bunch of little split rings for attachment to a keyring.from the Sandwich Shoppe or your local hardware store. The Fenix comes with a tiny split ring.
First off I commend you for getting others to be more aware and carry a flashlight. It will be a challenge. I am always giving out lights, pocket knives and other gadgets to friends and family. They seem most receptive to the Photon Lights because they can easily attach them to their keychain. For some reason the Photon X-Light https://edcdepot.com/merchantmanager/product_info.php?cPath=5&products_id=163 gets the best reception out of all of them. Someone mentioned the PAL Lights https://edcdepot.com/merchantmanager/product_info.php?cPath=5&products_id=92, while they make great gifts few carry them do to their size. I do notice that the ones I give out wind up on the fridge (due to the magnet on the clip). I like your idea of sticking with common batteries like AA or AAA. If it's a CR123 battery they will stick the light in a drawyer when they see the price of the batteries. All the AA and AAA you listed and that were mentioned would make good gifts. The only ones I can think of adding are:

Gerber Infinity - not very bright, but built like a tank and long run time
Molle Light - a little bulky but has a cool factor with the compass and filter
Photon Proton - possibly out of the price range but this light has found a permanent home in my EDC.
I might go with Fenix E0 or E1 for long run, AAA battery, simple operation, and reasonable price.

For a gift to a non-flashaholic that can be EDC'd, a MiniMag LED (2-cell) makes a lot of sense. Familiar UI; reasonably bright; and nearly bulletproof so long as they don't reverse the batteries.

For an overall utility light, I've gotten good feedback when I've given the Streamlight ProPoly Luxeon (4AA). It's not as sexy as some of the newer lights but it fills the "utility" niche exceedingly well.

If the LODce's are too expensive, go for the LM301's. They're well made, easy to use, and have a really useful beam for most tasks with decent runtime.:twothumbs
A basic, keychain light is the way to go. Anything larger, and the lights will likely be tossed in a drawer and forgotten...possibly "lost" when most needed.

Photon would be my choice. There are cheaper clones out there, but given that this might be the only light the NFF has, quality/reliability are crucial. I would recommend including at least one set of extra batteries with the light.

Another consideration would be the Arc AAA. Common battery, rugged, and according to Arc's website, the light will run for about five hours before it drops to 50% of initial output.

Caveat: I have not tried any of the "newer" lights like the Fenix, etc., so cannot comment or compare them.

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