I've got NFFs (nonflashaholicFriends/Family) that I'm wanting to try and get more serious about carrying or at least having a light handy.
So, I'm looking forward to Christmas and a handful of bdays between here and there. I'm thinking about getting some flashlights for them on their respective holidays. I know we can't really change people, but I'm hoping that I can at least influence them, or at the very least, provide a useful tool in a time of need.
I know the fauxtons get recommended a bunch as give aways, and I'll probably do that anyway, but I kinda want to give a decentish flashlight to my NFFs.
Easily available battery. As much as I'd love to go the P1D/P2D-CE route, I think CR123a's are going to put them off. So, either AA or AAA.
Size: Smallish. Something that's easy to carry and possibly be able to EDC without worrying or being inconvenienced.
Simple UI. I personally love the versatility of multi-level lights... however, I have no idea if my victims are of the same mind or can successfully use that kind of UI.
Runtime. This is always a tough one... because you try and balance Runtime vs Output. A 30hr light sounds great... but I kinda would like my light to WOW them and have more output than their cellphone.
Price. I actually have 2 categories. One set of NFFs has a limit of $25. The other set of NFFs can go up to $50. There are 3 people in each category.
Ultrafire WF-606A1 - I know nothing about this light. Size a little on the big side, but otherwise acceptable
Fenix L2P/L2S - (might be pushing it on the UI. It would be for one of my parents)
Lumapower LM301 - really leaning toward this one for all on my list (and me) :naughty: The pricepoint would allow me to stay in budget too.
LumaPower LumaCraft Formula One F1 with Seoul SSC P4 LED ~70 lumens 1xAA
MiniPalm Luxeon III 1-Watt Flashlight F-P1AA - Only downer on this is the runtime... but it's single AA and who doesn't have tons of those?
RiverRock 1AA 1Watt light. - Runtime is short, but it's a great size and output.
Inova X1. Say what you want, it's solid form, ease of use, size and output make it a decent all-around flashlight. I'd have no problem giving one to a NFF.
Any tips? Is it possible to turn a NFF over to the Light Side?
So, I'm looking forward to Christmas and a handful of bdays between here and there. I'm thinking about getting some flashlights for them on their respective holidays. I know we can't really change people, but I'm hoping that I can at least influence them, or at the very least, provide a useful tool in a time of need.
I know the fauxtons get recommended a bunch as give aways, and I'll probably do that anyway, but I kinda want to give a decentish flashlight to my NFFs.
Easily available battery. As much as I'd love to go the P1D/P2D-CE route, I think CR123a's are going to put them off. So, either AA or AAA.
Size: Smallish. Something that's easy to carry and possibly be able to EDC without worrying or being inconvenienced.
Simple UI. I personally love the versatility of multi-level lights... however, I have no idea if my victims are of the same mind or can successfully use that kind of UI.
Runtime. This is always a tough one... because you try and balance Runtime vs Output. A 30hr light sounds great... but I kinda would like my light to WOW them and have more output than their cellphone.
Price. I actually have 2 categories. One set of NFFs has a limit of $25. The other set of NFFs can go up to $50. There are 3 people in each category.
Ultrafire WF-606A1 - I know nothing about this light. Size a little on the big side, but otherwise acceptable
Fenix L2P/L2S - (might be pushing it on the UI. It would be for one of my parents)
Lumapower LM301 - really leaning toward this one for all on my list (and me) :naughty: The pricepoint would allow me to stay in budget too.
LumaPower LumaCraft Formula One F1 with Seoul SSC P4 LED ~70 lumens 1xAA
MiniPalm Luxeon III 1-Watt Flashlight F-P1AA - Only downer on this is the runtime... but it's single AA and who doesn't have tons of those?
RiverRock 1AA 1Watt light. - Runtime is short, but it's a great size and output.
Inova X1. Say what you want, it's solid form, ease of use, size and output make it a decent all-around flashlight. I'd have no problem giving one to a NFF.
Any tips? Is it possible to turn a NFF over to the Light Side?