Looking for a good Holster / Lanyard for my Spy005


Oct 9, 2007
Hello Folks! :wave:

Does anyone know where i can get a good holster for my Spy005?

Next i am looking for an safe lanyard...IMO its not easy to find one, because
of the small opening for lanyards on my Spy. I dont wont to loose that baby. :tinfoil:

Do you have some links for me guys? :)

Or any ideas?
HI Toby,

Matt makes Great Holesters. You can see more of his work and contact him here.
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Matt's holseters are awsome! I can't leave home without either of mine with my PD-S. I just received my second one & I'm already thinking about what the third one will be. Matt's also a very great guy to work worth! He truely takes care of his customers.
I have to agree with most that Matt's holsters rock, but when I'm working here it is a little large and I don't want to scratch it up. So I had previously bought a RipOffs for everyday to carry my LS27 which just barely fits but I have never had a problem with. Well when I received my Spy007 I needed something to carry in so I took out my 27 and slipped the 007 in the same case and it fit so snugly it is as if it was made for it. I also had a brand new one for AvroArrow who was so nice as to do all the searching for the right size a while back, and I checked it for fit as well and it was a little bit tighter but I think after some use will fit perfect. Sorry AvroArrow, but I just ordered another 192 for you. :grin2:

Anywho here are a cpl pics for sizing, note I did a quick adjust so you could see the material better and where the velcro is. You will notice the 27 only allows about half the velcro to catch, I thought about melting a hole in the bottom to allow the 27 to seat down better and now may just do that so I can see if I left my 007 on. Now where is that old soldering iron tip.. :thinking:


I think for 13-15 bucks they are great for the purpose and keeps my AotH looking nice for when I'm out in public.. :rolleyes:

I have found just by chance a WENGER (swiss army knives) holster that just fits PERFECTLY. It looks as if it was designed for the SPY in the first place. :thumbsup:

I also tried a Victorinox holster that was kind of similar but the fit was a little too tight.





It's all leather and well made. Classic and classy, it find it goes very well with the SPY. I think it's work every penny of the 10 euros I paid for it. :nana:
I would give my left nut to be able to put a split ring through that TINY hole on my SPY so that I could clip it to a lanyard to wear around my neck when i'm camping or out for my nightly walk.
I just CANNOT comprehend why this "lanyard hole" is so small. With all the intricate design details of this light how can something as simple as making the hole big enough to put a small split ring through it or better yet just being able to directly clip a Mcgizmo clip to it not possible?
I really don't want to trust a $1,000 light to a piece of twine thats small enough to stick through that hole, or have to rig up some half *** method to make it work.
I just spent 15 minutes trying to put that wrist lanyard back on and what a pain that was. I had to use a dental pick to eventually coax that little piece of twine back through that hole., and of course the lanyard was damaged in the process. The hole is BARELY big enough to accomodate the lanyard it was designed to use. :hairpull:
Sorry for the rant but I'm just very frustrated right now.
I have found just by chance a WENGER (swiss army knives) holster that just fits PERFECTLY. It looks as if it was designed for the SPY in the first place. :thumbsup:

I also tried a Victorinox holster that was kind of similar but the fit was a little too tight.

It's all leather and well made. Classic and classy, it find it goes very well with the SPY. I think it's work every penny of the 10 euros I paid for it. :nana:

Wow, looks great.

Which Holster is it ??

Case 313
Case 413
Case 713

Thanks for Info
I'm thinking of picking up one of these Ti split rings (15mm perhaps) to see if they would fit in the lanyard slot.
Wow, looks great.

Which Holster is it ??

Case 313
Case 413
Case 713

Thanks for Info
I have no idea. It is not written anywhere on it and it was sold loose with no case or packaging. :shrug:
Find out if the SPY's width is equivalent to a 4 line or a 7 line multitool swiss knife and you'll have the answer :p
I would say 7 but I have no way to check
Success! I was using my Zebralight Q30 headlamp while I was trying to figure out a lanyard system for my 007 when I noticed a tiny little split ring attatched to the Q30. I took it off the Q30 and tried it on the 007 and it fit the lanyard hole rather nicely. The split ring is just over 1/4" or about 7mm in diameter.
Now I'm happy and I don't even have to give up my left nut. :thumbsup:

It looks like the size 3 or 4 split ring from Berkeley Point would be about the right size, but the wire gauge on mine is very thin and I don't know if the Berkeley Point rings will be thin enough or not.


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Scott, nice, thanks.

The small diameter of the split ring should also decrease the risk of accidental disengagememt from the clip, as it looks like it can't flip round and put pressure on the gate.

Have you tried twisting it is various positions to see if it can work free?
Success! I was using my Zebralight Q30 headlamp while I was trying to figure out a lanyard system for my 007 when I noticed a tiny little split ring attatched to the Q30. I took it off the Q30 and tried it on the 007 and it fit the lanyard hole rather nicely. The split ring is just over 1/4" or about 7mm in diameter.
Now I'm happy and I don't even have to give up my left nut. :thumbsup:

It looks like the size 3 or 4 split ring from Berkeley Point would be about the right size, but the wire gauge on mine is very thin and I don't know if the Berkeley Point rings will be thin enough or not.



I like it! Good job. Make sure that clip can't come off if pushed in the wrong way.

Here is my favorite solution from Orb ==>http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showpost.php?p=2487467&postcount=145

Great Scott, but personally I won't use clips for any nice light because of lessons luckily learned while in my home.

It is so easy for the gates to get pushed in and the light disconnecting.
Save yourself some possible grief and instead use another larger split ring or other more permanent device. I like clips elsewhere for attaching to my jeans etc but want a perm connect on my light.

Just my opinion but I like being safe.
That particular McGizmo clip I believe is the Pico clip and it's not very secure. If you twist it just right it will come unclipped from the split ring. The Nano clip (which is slightly larger) has a sturdier gate for better safety, but will still come undone if twisted just right. But they will all suit my needs for an around the neck lanyard. It shouldn't be able to twist around very easily with a half a pound of titanium hanging from it. :grin2:

Data, I have an Orb Wee and I like his little cable lanyard, but it's too permanent of an arrangement (kind of involved to take it on and off).
The cable on my Wee snapped in half after riding on my keys for two months. Eek! So I have a little trouble trusting it.

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