Looking for a law enforcement flashlight


Jan 27, 2009
Orlando, FL
Ive been doing some volunteer work with my local police department, mostly night time. I have my little Fenix TK10 that I use for my home but wanted something a little bigger, brighter, and more solid. Lots of people have recommended the Streamlight Ultra Stinger or the 8060 Pelican which are my options right now. Does anyone else recommend a good heavy duty flash light for law enforcement use? Thank you. :wave:
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Off the top of my head:

Jetbeam M1X:

bright, solid, good thrower. Downside might me a large head vs a thin body. Jeatbeam sells great lights.

Olight M30 Trition:

another bright light, this one is more compact, can be mounted on a weapon and the head is much more proportional to the body. The smaller head means it's less throwy (illuminated object in distance over 100ft) and more floody (illuminates an entire area closer to you). This may be an advantage or disadvantage to you.

Inova T5-MP:

This is an older light, and definately not one seen here often. This light is solid in my experience, taking several falls (one over 25ft), many drops, and "physical altercations". Downside is that it takes 3 lithium batteries and is only 200 lumens, blueish tint, and stricly a floody light. It is less expensive than the above two.

Just some examples off the top of my head, I'm sure theres other great lights too, I just haven't had a chance to try them yet.

good luck, stay safe
If it is within your budget, the Malkoff MD4 is an excellent duty light.
  • Beautiful output
  • Excellent construction
  • Forward clicky for momentary and constant-on
  • Two modes controlled by a slight twist of the head
  • Manageable size
  • Good runtime
:party: :thumbsup:
Hi [SIZE=-1]WHT_GE8, The 8060 By Pelican is a great full size Law enforcement flashlight. It takes 4 c cell batteries and a Non slip grenade grip. The Pelican 8060 also has a great burn time. With 4 c aklaline batteries the complete burn time is almost 24hrs of continuous light starting at about 200 lumens down to about 50 in 12 hours of continous use. When the rechargable batteries are used the Lumens are decreased. At full charge the lumens start at 200 and after 5.5 hours of continuious use goes down to about 48 lumens. It is a nice and sturdy flashlight that can withstand the rigors of patrol. The Pelican 8060 Flashlight measure 13 inches in total. Good luck in you search for a Lawenforcement flashlight.
Think ive decided on the TK40. I could not find any other flashlight that has that many lumens (630), decent sized, and uses common AA batteries. Plus it has all the way from 13 lumens all the way up so it can be used on any occasion. Plus the strobe, which I could use often. The pelican is great but the output is weak, and I dont care for the look of it.

Sorry I didnt research before-hand, didnt think this was such a hot topic.
be advised on the TK-40 that they have had a few upset customers, anytime you get that many batteries all joined together you get a lot of power running through them, if you accidentally put one in backwards, or if you go with Lion AAs and get a faulty cell, or the cells aren't all charged the same (balanced) , the whole light may self destruct, i stick to 1 or 2 cells at the most in my lights, but if you are careful you should have no problem, just a heads up
Think ive decided on the TK40. I could not find any other flashlight that has that many lumens (630), decent sized, and uses common AA batteries. Plus it has all the way from 13 lumens all the way up so it can be used on any occasion. Plus the strobe, which I could use often. The pelican is great but the output is weak, and I dont care for the look of it.

Sorry I didnt research before-hand, didnt think this was such a hot topic.

That's a great light, but for law enforcement - not really.

Lets face it the user interface (changing light modes) is not very tactical at all, many find it annoying. I don't need 3 different strobe/s.o.s. settings on my light, nor do I think "strobing" anyone does anything but get people's attention or simply p*** them off. Luckily, the TK40 does remember your last setting, which for me is usually high.

It's kind of bulky too, you might have a hard time finding a quality holster for it. If you do, you might find it jabbing you all night in the squad car. Also, if you have to hold it in combination with your firearm (if you have one), that can be kind of cumbersome and draining also.

I like the AA idea for a bright flashlight, but I would highly advise not putting cheap alkalines in it. They won't have very good runtime and eventually one will leak in your new $150 light, not good. Spend a little more money and get some decent nimh rechargeable batteries - I suggest eneloops which can be easily found.

On the plus side, it's tough as hell, very bright, and is a decent mix of flood and throw. Enjoy your new light.

Above all, stay safe
I have the Pelican 7060 and thinking about picking up a TK11.

My 7060 is a great light, bright and throws pretty good. For some people though it's a little long.
OP- After reading your request, the Pelican 7060 popped in my head. Thats a winner to me.
Well the Pelican 8060 is about the same price as the TK40, and I think its the same length. Why would I choose that over the TK40? I dont find the TK40 bulky and it fits in a maglight d-cell ring clip thing. Plus 630 lumens compared to 190 lumens for the pelican? The Pelican is rechargeable but thats the only thing it has over the TK40 IMO. I plan on getting a set of eneloops with my TK40 also.

Please correct me if im wrong, im still sort of new to flashlights. :thinking:

I also have my TK10 that I carry with me also if I need something smaller, but might end up getting a D10 to replace it.
I'd be very wary of that many cells in series, especially in high current situations.

Not saying the TK40 isn't a great light, but battery management can become a serious issue once you get past 2 or 3 cells.
I am currently updating my duty flashlights going all led. I have been testing several lights. The dereelight v2 is on my belt as I type this. I have never seen and led with so much throw.
It has the r2 module in it and it is well shocking good performer. LOONg RUN TIME brighter than my magcharger. It also has the advantage of having changeable pills with up to 500 lumens available from the factory. I am currently talking to nailbender about building a sst-50 pill for it. They also offer an aspheris lense for it, Another light I am waiting to try is m-30 triton. Lots of lumens, well designed. The big thing I like is the second switch for strobe or to set output. The jetbeam m1x has a lot of nice features. It is the best thrower though the head is kind of big.

Two other choices are modified lights. For years I carried a streamlight tl-3 with a welch allen 1499 bulb and two 17500 lion batteries. 375 bulb lumens.. Downside the bulbs can be hard to get and i think I paid $10 for my last bulb.

My other favorite which is still in my car is a stinger hp. It has the five mega adapter that allows you to use 18650 cells. You use the super stinger bulb (6 volts) but it is driven ant 7.4 volts so it is noticably brighter than the super stinger. It is a small package and a real thrower.

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