Looking for Battery info 101


Newly Enlightened
Oct 2, 2009
New guy here looking around. This is a very interesting place. Sure shines a light (ha_ha) and exposes the very broad realm of flashlights.

I dove right in looking at the various LED lights, for the want of something small. This was fun reading about and seeing pics of the various models. Might a better approach be taken with a good understanding of the different battery types used by these size lights?

I looked for a sticky or guide on batteries here but came up short. Can someone point out a guide, here or a link to a site, where a comparesion and substitution between these batteries is explained?

Thank You
Welcome to CPF, SAcharlie.

You posted this in the wrong sub-forum. I'll move this to the Batteries section, where you will find the information you are looking for.
Hey thanks guys. I sure missed the sticky looking right at me. I'll sure check out the links. Always thought myself a Texan but maybe I should move to Missouri as often as I ask folks to "show me".