I think a little bit of knowledge on the arrangement would help. I doubt it powers a single LED at 9v.
It's a small solar garden lamp. It recharges a single nimh AA battery(upgraded to 2600mAh). It has a board that I assume handle the solar panel and the light sensor and a converter that changes to 9V.
I measured with multimeter. Voltage was 9V. I wasn't able to figure out the current. I tried for a while, but I was doing it wrong or I never had the connects. I didn't have clamps and the wires were short. Also, I don't really know what I'm doing.. :thinking:
I left the setup running since Thursday night and it's still on today, without recharging since the solar panel and sensor is covered. So I assume it's a tiny current that's going through.
Sorry I can't provide more information that that. Electronics isn't my field so I have little knowledge on details.
I clipped off the 5mm led and replaced it with the seoul orange led, 2.25v-2.5v according to dealextreme. Much dimmer than the 5mm led. It's not soldered on, just some jerry-rigging with copper wires.
Though I did notice that if I connect the 5mm led back on, it doesn't light up as it did prior to being cut. It just flashes on for a split second every second. This has happened on 2 test units lamps I've done it to. The seoul led will however light up and stay on, though dim.
So, that's as much details as I know of. Sorry for the late response. I thought I had enabled email notifications but didn't.