Looking for High Quality Affordable P60 Host


Jul 17, 2006
Sydney Australia
Hi All!

I'm after a High Quality, Affordable host. I need to purchase a few of these.

WE seems like a logical choice, but i wish to use some of the DX Dropins which i believe don't quite fit in the Wolf Eyes?

I'd like
* 18650 Support
* Forward Clicky
* Quality Switch
* Glass Lense (Antireflective is better)
* Need shipping to Australia
* Around the $30-40 US Mark??

Any Ideas??
If you want all that, why don't you just go for a CL1H Dereelight, has all of what you mentioned including an emitter that is as bright as a BOG Q5 drop-in... for 80 dollars US total?
Thanks for the response..

I'm planning on purchasing at least three of these setups.
The Dereelight will be too expensive.

I was hoping for a $30 ish host plus $15ish drop in...

Don't want to drop $240 US on three lights :faint:
Hi All!

I'm after a High Quality, Affordable host. I need to purchase a few of these.

WE seems like a logical choice, but i wish to use some of the DX Dropins which i believe don't quite fit in the Wolf Eyes?

I'd like
* 18650 Support
* Forward Clicky
* Quality Switch
* Glass Lense (Antireflective is better)
* Need shipping to Australia
* Around the $30-40 US Mark??

Any Ideas??
Hey lukestephens777,
By the time you figure in shipping and the cost of the DX modules your up to 50-60 bucks, have you considered a Wolf Eyes with a Q5? WE flashlights have great heat control with the module base seated into the body of the flashlight compared to a drop-in that sits on a spring.
Talk to Glen C, I'm sure he'll have them soon if he doesn't already.

Here's a link to our website so you can get an idea.
the cheapest 18650 P60 light i can think of is the Ultrafire Alpha C1.. $20.50 USD
but its probably..

* Reverse Clicky
* Low Quality Switch
* Not Glass Lense (Antireflective is better)
* Maybe shipping to Australia
* YES! Around the $30-40 US Mark??