Looking for Raw help: Light stays on until tailcap is removed


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 28, 2006
Hopefully someone else has had this problem and worked out a solution. If so, please post below.

The light will not shut off until the tailcap is completely unthreaded and removed. This happens every now and then when I unscrew the light. Then I put it back together, and it's OK for a while.

Just a few minutes ago, I changed the battery, shut off the light and put it lens-down on the shelf. Fortunately, I picked it up to move it, and saw it turned back on. I unscrewed the tailcap, and it didn't turn off until the tailcap was removed.

On close inspection, I saw a couple shiny spots around the top of the battery insulation. Evidently the pointy spring probe is making a hole through the insulation of the cell. This shorts to the probe, making the low mode engaged.

Hopefully you can see this in the pictures below. There are two marks on the battery, through to the battery case (-).

I haven't used these batteries for anything else other than my Raw flashlights. There isn't anything on the nano charger that would make this sort of mark.

Thanks in advance for the suggestions!


I would try the slightest dab of epoxy or nail polish the tip of the second stage switch probe to isolate it electrically and that should solve it.
Thanks for the suggestion. The nail polish won't stay on for long.

I've taken a look at the batteries. I have three variations, two each. I've used them in full rotation through both my Raw AL and Raw NS, both acquired last month.

(1) Old black wrapper, unlableled, probably a year or two in age, which do not have switch damage to the cells from these light or the previous one. The top appears to be chamfered inward before the top surface, which probably makes it avoid the switch.

(2) New blue wrapper, provided by Lummi with the lights a month last month 250 mAh. Wrapper thickness is good, however the switch leaves marks and breaks thru on both cells.

(3) New blue wrapper, provided by LightHound 300 mAh. Wrapper thickness is meager, switch broke through one but didn't leave marks on the other at all. I cannot distinuish anything different between these two cells.

I'll try applying the polish or some to the cell, not the switch, and see what occurs after some usage.
I'm hoping that automotive touch-up paint is more puncture resistant.

To the left and right are the problematic cells sourced by Lummi, the center is the one that is a problem from Lighthound.

:wave: Paul. Thank you for your clear description of this problem.
I have never seen this before on any of the many Raw lights sold over the years.
The low contact pin maybe the cause of the problem along with the marks on the battery.

However if this was the only fault on your light it would only come on low a little earlier than normal.
If your light is staying on low or high right until the two half's are separated then I think there is a different fault.
Please check for any small metal strands that maybe contacting across from the negative ring on the PCB to the internal threads.

Edit: Actually I may stand corrected. If it is the low contact pin that has removed the insulation of the cell then it could stay on low only right until the two half's separate.
So if this is the cause then the low contact pin needs to be at a steeper angle away from the battery or towards the internal threads. Also could do with being a little shorter out of the PCB.

You should not be having to Re-insulate the battery.
Let me know your any new findings.
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