Thanks for the information so far guyz.
Here is what I have found available so far.
After checking out the PDF document titled "P7 Series Binning & Labeling" which can be downloaded from this link and assuming I comprehend this document correctly we have the following choices based on the Bin Codes available on the sources above.
CSWOJ - 6050 CCT(K) Color - Forward Voltage 3.50 ~ 3.75
CSXOI - 6700 CCT(K) Color - Forward Voltage 3.25 ~ 3.50
CSXPI - 6700 CCT(K) Color - Forward Voltage 3.25 ~ 3.50
CSWPI - 6050 CCT(K) Color - Forward Voltage 3.25 ~ 3.50
CSXPJ - 6700 CCT(K) Color - Forward Voltage 3.50 ~ 3.75
I find myself wondering if the 6050 color is more desirable than the 6700, assuming the 6700 is more bluish in hue?
I wonder also if it is more desirable to have the higher forward voltage variety especially if you are going to drive one with three D NiMh?
Going over the documentation it seems that the best C bin P7 should only be 700~800 Luminous Flux. They also mention D and E bins with 800~900 and 900~1100 Luminous Flux. Hopefully they will become available in the future. I also assume that there is a fair bit of variance in particular runs of these LED. Anyway any additional information, first hand experience, agreement or corrections of my assumptions would be welcome.