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Sold/Expired Looking for SSC P7 LED Sources


Jan 7, 2008
Michigan USA
Hey guyz,

Anyone know of a good source for bare SSC P7 LED emitters besides Kaidomain, DealExtreme and Litemania? I was looking to purchase some "C" bin emitters and wanted to be able to get them quicker than a month and get the bare non star mounted variety. Hopefully state side. Thanks in advance!
Me too. I'm waiting for Photon Fanatic. The Fenix-Store has them but are the same CSXPI from Litemania. There's also Jillite that has CSWOI & Amilite that has CSWPI but they're both in Korea too. Maybe ordering from Korea rather than DX or KD may be a little faster?
Who runs BriteLumens? Are they a member.


He's a member on another flashlight forum, offering the P7 for $28 and heatsinks for $15. He is in Malaysia, hopefully shipping not too long, good price on the heatsinks though. PM me if you need more information.
He's a member on another flashlight forum, offering the P7 for $28 and heatsinks for $15. He is in Malaysia, hopefully shipping not too long, good price on the heatsinks though. PM me if you need more information.

Hi ulupoundr,

Thank you for your kind words.

With regards,
Jo @ Britelumens
Thank you for the great deal, looking forward to receiving those heatsinks. You should offer your products on the "dealers" forum, there's a lot more room for businesses like yours! :thumbsup:
Thanks for the information so far guyz.

Here is what I have found available so far.





After checking out the PDF document titled "P7 Series Binning & Labeling" which can be downloaded from this link http://www.seoulsemicon.com/en/product/prd/zpowerLEDp7.asp and assuming I comprehend this document correctly we have the following choices based on the Bin Codes available on the sources above.

CSWOJ - 6050 CCT(K) Color - Forward Voltage 3.50 ~ 3.75

CSXOI - 6700 CCT(K) Color - Forward Voltage 3.25 ~ 3.50

CSXPI - 6700 CCT(K) Color - Forward Voltage 3.25 ~ 3.50

CSWPI - 6050 CCT(K) Color - Forward Voltage 3.25 ~ 3.50

CSXPJ - 6700 CCT(K) Color - Forward Voltage 3.50 ~ 3.75

I find myself wondering if the 6050 color is more desirable than the 6700, assuming the 6700 is more bluish in hue?

I wonder also if it is more desirable to have the higher forward voltage variety especially if you are going to drive one with three D NiMh?

Going over the documentation it seems that the best C bin P7 should only be 700~800 Luminous Flux. They also mention D and E bins with 800~900 and 900~1100 Luminous Flux. Hopefully they will become available in the future. I also assume that there is a fair bit of variance in particular runs of these LED. Anyway any additional information, first hand experience, agreement or corrections of my assumptions would be welcome.
Thanks for the information so far guyz.

Here is what I have found available so far.





After checking out the PDF document titled "P7 Series Binning & Labeling" which can be downloaded from this link http://www.seoulsemicon.com/en/product/prd/zpowerLEDp7.asp and assuming I comprehend this document correctly we have the following choices based on the Bin Codes available on the sources above.

CSWOJ - 6050 CCT(K) Color - Forward Voltage 3.50 ~ 3.75

CSXOI - 6700 CCT(K) Color - Forward Voltage 3.25 ~ 3.50

CSXPI - 6700 CCT(K) Color - Forward Voltage 3.25 ~ 3.50

CSWPI - 6050 CCT(K) Color - Forward Voltage 3.25 ~ 3.50

CSXPJ - 6700 CCT(K) Color - Forward Voltage 3.50 ~ 3.75

I find myself wondering if the 6050 color is more desirable than the 6700, assuming the 6700 is more bluish in hue?

I wonder also if it is more desirable to have the higher forward voltage variety especially if you are going to drive one with three D NiMh?

Going over the documentation it seems that the best C bin P7 should only be 700~800 Luminous Flux. They also mention D and E bins with 800~900 and 900~1100 Luminous Flux. Hopefully they will become available in the future. I also assume that there is a fair bit of variance in particular runs of these LED. Anyway any additional information, first hand experience, agreement or corrections of my assumptions would be welcome.

The two CSXPIs I've had both had a consistent purple tint to it which I did not like.

The 5+ CSWOIs I've had all had pretty white hotspots but all had yellow coronas which seemed more noticeable in a larger reflector than a small reflector. Some emitters had 3 yellow tinted dies where some only had 2 yellow tinted dies.

I currently have a CSWOJ which I only fired up briefly but looks to have the unmatched yellow dies like the CSWOIs I had.

I'm going to order the CSXO next. I'm hoping the tint won't be too cool & will be the perfect tint for me. While most like the WO tint the inconsistent yellow coronas bothered me when used in a larger reflector. I'd rather have cool than yellow but not too cool. I wonder what everyone else's experiences are?

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