Looking to pick up a Maglite 4C


Newly Enlightened
Jan 4, 2008
Looking to pick up a .... Maglite 4C. Where is the best (price and customer service) place to order from? I am located in Canada and would prefer to order here in order to save the shipping. Thank you
Re: Looking to pick up a ....

SIR Mailorder in Winnipeg used to sell Maglite's and parts. They are now part of Cabela's. Give them a call. Cabela's Canada Contact Page

You could also place a "Want to Buy" message over at the CPF Market Place.
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The person working the flashlight counter at Cabela's in Winnipeg once told me that Maglite doesn't make C mags anymore(of course we know they do!).Home Depot in Canada sales the 2C size.Check out E-Bay Canada. I recently saw a 6C for sale.

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