looks like the dbs is still the king of throw

It's pretty easy people. The DBS clearly has a larger reflector. They both use Cree Q5's at 1.2A. How can the MRV SK beat the DBS with a smaller reflector? I'm surprised it beats a Tiablo A9, but it probably edges out the Tiablo because the Tiablo is 1A I believe, the MRV 1.2A.

I got lucky when I decided to pass on the MRV, Tiablo, and go for the DBS. If I had bought the MRV and Tiablo first, I would have had to buy the DBS too. :p Still waiting for something to beat it, then I'll have to consider picking it up.
Glad I went for a DBS too.
Looks like the Sidekick needs some further quality control after reading that review.
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NO, the rapidfire spear still is and always has been so.....sorry to burst your bubble


I think that was a DBS v1 with the non-AR lens and a Q4. The DBS v2 has a AR coated lens. I have the DBS v2 and it out peforms my Spear slightly with a Q5, and a bit more with the Dereelight limited R2 pill. Hopefully Dereelight will be able to source more R2's in the future. In addition to throw I find the DBS much more comfortable to carry, thanks to the pocket clip, and more comfortable in hand and in operation.

Considering Dereelight will continue to put out updated pills I don't see how these other throwers will ever beat it unless they go with a larger reflector or optic.
DBS V1 does not have an AR coated lens?:drool:
I should buy one i guess!

At some point some of the DBS v1's may have started shipping with AR lenses. It may depend on when you got your DBS v1. I think the AR lenses were available around the time the DBS v2 was released. I ordered spare AR lenses from Alan to install in my DBS v1. I'm trying to remember the gain, it was around 5-10%. So say 20,000LUX to 21,000-22,000LUX. In the real world it isn't that noticeable, but every little bit helps right? :)
I think that was a DBS v1 with the non-AR lens and a Q4. The DBS v2 has a AR coated lens. I have the DBS v2 and it out peforms my Spear slightly with a Q5, and a bit more with the Dereelight limited R2 pill.
Since it's my review in question, a little clarification from the source: :)
  • The DBS Q4 is indeed a V1 with original lens
  • The DBS V2 (with AR lens) and the R2 DI pill is also included in that review, and the Q5 Spear still outperforms it slightly at 1 meter (likely because the DI is not driven as hard as the 1SM or 2SD pills). I believe a few others have reported the same thing - the DI is not driven as hard.
  • Note that those results are all based on peak center throw @ 1 meter. It's possible that throw at further distances may be different (I expect the DBS to edge ahead, frankly).
Since the Spear is now no longer in production, and the DBS comes with harder-driven pills, I think its safe to say the DBS is still the throw king at the moment. Obviously, we'll need to see more samples of the MRV-SK, but ernsanada's numbers are typically very consistent with mine (i.e. his light meter reads slightly lower than mine, but consistently so).
Selfbuilt, yeah, the DI pills don't seem to get up to 1.2A. Also some of the R2's seemed to not perform as well as others. Maybe some had really high Vf? I ordered 2 or 3 of the R2 pills from Dereelight. Also some pills / Cree's seem to focus better than others. I assume you have played around with how the pill is screwed in and adjust it for best focus and maximum throw? With my CL1H's I've been able to go from 7,000 lux to 10,000 lux by adjusting the focus. The DBS is the same story, and often the CL1H Dereelight pills focus tigher than the DBS Dereelight pills. The CL1H pills get the LED farther into the reflector for a tighter focus, but you have to make sure the CL1H pill is insulated from the reflector. Have you tried this with your DBS?

My DBS with a 3SD Q5 and 3SD R2 both edge out my Spear the R2 more so. I never got more than 25,000lux at one meter out of my Spear, it settles down to able 23,000 after a couple minutes. My DBS R2 will peak near 30,000LUX with a fresh 18650, and settles down to about 28,500LUX after a couple minutes. My DBS Q5 would be around 26,000lux and settle down to around 24,500lux after a couple minutes.

I got to compare my DBS v2 3SD R2 WH with another Raidfire Spear at the last Photon Fest and my DBS was beating it out, not by a lot, but enough to be noticeable. We were shining them out into the black hole as they call it at Milky's place. :) Lighting up a field and comparing the hot spots at about 600+ feet.
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WadeF , do you know what you have just done?? :huh:
You made me order one from flashlightlens.com just a minute ago! :poke::D

I guess using the 7882 sku circuit with the DBS i can achieve 30000lux and more, why lose that 10% from the lens? :devil:
I've been looking at the DBS for a long time. Amazingly I actually have some self control. I am sure CPF members will cure me of that affliction. :poke:

Which version of the DBS has the absolute best throw? I know the smooth reflector (SMO) is key. The only limitation is, I will use rechargeables. I don't care if it is 18650, RCR123, 17670 or some other variant. As long as it is rechargeable.
Selfbuilt, yeah, the DI pills don't seem to get up to 1.2A. ... I assume you have played around with how the pill is screwed in and adjust it for best focus and maximum throw? ...The CL1H pills get the LED farther into the reflector for a tighter focus, but you have to make sure the CL1H pill is insulated from the reflector. Have you tried this with your DBS?
I've played with the focus of my DI R2 pill, and ~24,000 initial lux at 1m is the best I can get it (which is the same as my stock Q5 Spear). But the DI drops off slightly in output over the first few minutes, allowing the Q5 Spear to pull ahead. My R2 DI was one of the first ones available (I don't have a CL1H or any of the pills to compare).

In actual use, it's hard to see much of a difference between the lights. My Spear has a slightly cool premium white tint, and the R2 is a very warm WH, so it's actually kind of hard to compare (the cool white typically looks brighter to the eye, the WH shows more definition on trees/grasses, etc).

Frankly, I'm happy to have either one on me. And the Q5 Tiablo A9 is no slouch either. ;)
That the good thing with the DBS, or problem, it is so highly configurable and adjustable we will all get different results depending on how we have it set up. However, I feel the DBS can be configured to out perform the Raidfire, and other throwers, which puts it at the top of the list for me.

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