Losing flashlight in a divorce


Jun 17, 2006
One of the other threads got me thinking about this. Has anyone ever lost part or all of your flashlight collection in a divorce? I know there are some collections out there that are worth a lot of money. Did anyone lose a light to a spiteful ex-spouse?

In my divorce, my ex-wife and I were able to split up everything in about an hour and a half. At the time I didn't have many flashlights and I hadn't acknowledged my flashaholism but I'm pretty sure my ex-wife would have let me keep all my lights anyway. I guess I'm just lucky my divorce was amicable.

By the way, my condolences to anyone who has lost a light like this. I can only imagine the sadness of losing a prized possession this way.:awman:
I lost my very first Mag 2D to my ex gf, I had it for 5 years and it was in her car when we broke up and havent seen her since. Hopefully it served her well if she ever had a breakdown somewhere.
Hmm no I have not lost a light this way, haven got my first wife yet so...:)

But I have had this thought more than one time! If I would breake up with my gf now, I´ll bet she would want half of my light collection just to annoy me!

She would have to pry them out of my cold dead heands though!
When I broke up with my girlfriend all she got was a Costco 2AA 1 Watt Luxeon.
Same as mentioned above, my ex has one of my mag-lites (4C) in her car and I'll probably never see it again either. She never really understood the value of a light and has probably tossed it or lost it by now.
greenlight said:
I would also worry about who gets my lights if I die.

I often think about that myself, as well as my other fun stuff like my knife collection, and zippo collection...I was thinking that one day I would hand them all down to my children while Im still alive, but then again they might not really care about them...plus Im sure I we wont need them if we are all going to heaven, seems bright up there, lol, oh wait a sec, maybe a few of us can fend of creatures with them in hell....:devil:
Cutlerylover, I wouldn't count on your kids being into the same things you are. I don't have any relatives that I think would properly appreciate my lights. Maybe when I die I will leave all my lights to the Candle Power Forums to auction off...help keep this place running. At least I would know my lights would be appreciated.
I lost my Mag 2D to my ex girlfriends new boy friend, He had stolen it out of one of my
suitcases after I had packed my things after the separation, she told him not to take it but he still did. I was so angry when I found out not only did he steal it, he also traded it for goods to someone else. when I confronted him about it he lied to me, I was so furious
that I broke his nose and moved a few ribs, I still never got my light back

I gave my ex-wife 6 very nice flashlights after our divorce - including Surefire and Inova lights. Not because I had to, but because I wanted to. She is still my friend, the divorce was amicable, and I didn't want her to be in the dark.

Best wishes,
If you're worrying about losing your flashlights after a divorce, you are lucky in that you can waste time on something so mundane during what's normally a stressful and trying time.