I did some consulting work for a couple companies last summer that upgraded their production plants to state of the art T5 bays, and they really, really looked good. They were using high CRI 4100k fluorescent T5 tubes, and the light quality, even for high ceilings, was excellent with superb coverage.
Yeah, T5 is da bomb' for this kind of application. But, the entry price is steep for really good fixtures with efficient reflectors and good ballasts.
HID is a different animal, and given the intense but specular light source really needs to be optimized for the specific application. HID is making a comeback in specialty track fixtures at sub 100watt levels, and I'm starting to see them, in of all places grocery stores over the food aisles using parabolic reflectors. 10 years ago it was 180 degrees the other way.
A good T5/T8 fixture is the defacto 'can't lose' light source for a work area. However, like I mentioned above, HID works wonders under a low, white ceiling if you bounce a few of them and in some cases work better because that will yield wider, more diffuse coverage where you'd otherwise need four or six shoplights. It all depends on the application and where you need the light.