Low voltage instaflashes bulbs?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 31, 2005
I'm starting to get more and more interested in incans, but have a very noobish question. I've been browsing around here a bit, but got the impression that you can instaflash bulbs if you have too LOW voltage? Sounds weird to me, so I'm wondering if that is true?
Well if the bulbs voltage is lower than the batteries, yes, it can instaflash :)But that'S quite probably not what you meant.

You can't instaflash a bulb with a too low voltage, *but* the designations of the bulb usually are meant for a special battery type. Meaning, if you hit a 9V bulb for CR123As with 9V or maybe even 8V it will not last long, because CR123As will experience a severe voltage drop with a high output lamp so the 9V lamp is actually meant for a lower voltage. Was that what you meant?
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Uhm, yeah, that might been what I meant? :thinking: :D

Just recalling that I read some threads where it was adviced not to have too low voltage(apart from the fact that some bulbs have lower lifespan on lower voltage), but I think you explained that with your answere.

I was mainly wondering about ROP-bulbs. What kind of voltage you're supposed to run them on when running NiMH.