Lowes "Light Saber" Wand


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 26, 2007
Chicago, IL

This is kind of a geeky light in that it looks a little bit like a light sabre... but I love it!

I got it from Lowes in kind of a random aisle... they had a box of them for $4.99 each. At first I thought it was kind of gimmicky, but now I'm finding that I use it all around the house at night! They have different colors but I really like the red since it gives me a very nice low-light night light.



One rubberized button on the side, with a UI as follows:

click once: the "hilt" white LED goes on. It's about as bright as a fauxton.
click twice: BOTH the hilt light and the wand light light up.
click thrice: the white LED goes off and now just the wand
click 4x: blinking wand
click 5x: off

It also has a whistle on the end with a little plastic end cap! Very cool combo of several different things. Not terribly bright but perfect for low-light movement around the house at night. It's ****oo but I'm using it more than any other light right now!!

Found it here at Red Cross: http://www.redcrossstore.org/Shopper/Product.aspx?UniqueItemId=430&Page=1&StartAtPage=1&SId=387864&LocationId=0

and here is the main info: http://www.lifegearcompany.com/glowsticks.html

Enjoy! :thumbsup:
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I end up playing with these every time I go to Lowe's; I still can't think of a reason to buy one, but they're a fantastic design - a battery-powered multi-mode glowstick, what flashaholic wouldn't go for that? These would be perfect for kids on Halloween, as you can leave them on all night and they still get to play with them long after they've brought the candy home..
oh! one of those life+gear glowsticks!
I got one of those when they were free if you took a survey.. don't like the battery choice, but handy anyways.
I got one of those free survey ones too. It lives in the truck, and hopefully I'll never get to the point where I need it on the road.
you can also reverse the led in the housing. very versitle little light.
I've seen these at Target, too. Same price, I think. So far I've resisted the red ones, but I'm wavering.

i seen these are REI also, for about 6 bucks, i wanted to buy one but im affaid someone put their mouth on the whistle already, i'd probably have to order them online! thanks for the link
i seen these are REI also, for about 6 bucks, i wanted to buy one but im affaid someone put their mouth on the whistle already, i'd probably have to order them online! thanks for the link

When it comes to my germophobia, I'd rather put my mouth on a whistle that a stranger blew yesterday than touch a doorknob that a stranger touched today.
I have these for my kids. They are great for camping etc. I got them at target for $2.99 on sale a while back.
This reminds me of the toy light up swords in toy stores.
:laughing: It's true! Hence the GEEK ALERT!

you can also reverse the led in the housing. very versitle little light.
***hogger, what do you mean by this? I'm intrigued...

I've seen these at Target, too. Same price, I think. So far I've resisted the red ones, but I'm wavering.
You...must...give...in... :D

i seen these are REI also, for about 6 bucks, i wanted to buy one but im affaid someone put their mouth on the whistle already, i'd probably have to order them online! thanks for the link
:p A nice, slobbery old toothless guy!

When it comes to my germophobia, I'd rather put my mouth on a whistle that a stranger blew yesterday than touch a doorknob that a stranger touched today.
:crackup: It's true with the swine flu and stuff! :devil:
My kids play with those every time we see them in stores. They are pretty nice, my only beef is they take 3x L44 button cells, which are expensive and don't last long.
This is kind of a geeky light in that it looks a little bit like a light sabre... but I love it!

I got it from Lowes in kind of a random aisle... they had a box of them for $4.99 each.
They have different colors but I really like the red since it gives me a very nice low-light night light.



Glad to hear you are enjoying your light, I think it is neat also. Target and ****'s also carry them for about the same price.

If you are going to be using it that often, don't buy the replacement batteries at the drug store. Here is one source on-line ($10/shipped for 50, or about .20c/ea.)

The blue and green seem to work better/brighter as an area light (such as inside a tent) than the red and orange do.

Here is a thread from last February about the Glowstick
for example i have the blue version. normaly when you turn it on the tube would be blue by reversing the guts i now have a white tube and a blue light out the lens side. you just unscrew the tube to access the internals. hope this helps
When it comes to my germophobia, I'd rather put my mouth on a whistle that a stranger blew yesterday than touch a doorknob that a stranger touched today.

lol i hate handles too...i cant wait till every door, paper towel, sink, soap dispenser is automated...
Glad to hear you are enjoying your light, I think it is neat also. Target and ****'s also carry them for about the same price.

If you are going to be using it that often, don't buy the replacement batteries at the drug store. Here is one source on-line ($10/shipped for 50, or about .20c/ea.)

The blue and green seem to work better/brighter as an area light (such as inside a tent) than the red and orange do.

Here is a thread from last February about the Glowstick

Thank you so much Backpacker Light, these are great links!
i'm gonna order me a CASE of these babys from Costco--thanks fellas.

and i'm gonna order me a case of the batts from good ol DX.

these are prefect for halloweeen!