My M1's glass dome was separated a little (look like some bubbles in between) when I accidently dropped it last time.
Just happened to find DX has cheap Q5 on Star, and orderred some. They arrived yesterday, open one to try it on this faulty M1. 
1. Open the head and take out the pill. Drill two small holes on the black insulating pad near the edge.
2. Insert bended pin or paper clip at once and pull the pad out.
3. Here's the LED on small MCPCB.
4. De-solder the wires and take out the MCPCB. Clean the thermal compound left on the pill.
5. The thickness of the WPG MCPCB is the same with the original small MCPCB. I file/sand the WPG MCPCB a little to fit into the pill. I also cut two notch near the positive and negative pad for wires to go through.
6. Use DMM to check every connection pad to see if something short out after filing/sanding. Use some thermal compound on the back, and put back the filed MCPCB. Solder the two wires. (Forgive my bad soldering skill. :nana
7. Since the MCPCB is larger than original, the insulating pad couldn't be installed. I use some Kapton tape to do the insulating job.
8. Put back the pill and head. The XR-E seems centered well. :devil:
The Lux reading @1m of my old M1 using OP reflector are: High 3710 and Low 770.
After the change, they are: High 4930 and Low 1110.
It's 33% increase on High.

1. Open the head and take out the pill. Drill two small holes on the black insulating pad near the edge.

2. Insert bended pin or paper clip at once and pull the pad out.

3. Here's the LED on small MCPCB.

4. De-solder the wires and take out the MCPCB. Clean the thermal compound left on the pill.

5. The thickness of the WPG MCPCB is the same with the original small MCPCB. I file/sand the WPG MCPCB a little to fit into the pill. I also cut two notch near the positive and negative pad for wires to go through.

6. Use DMM to check every connection pad to see if something short out after filing/sanding. Use some thermal compound on the back, and put back the filed MCPCB. Solder the two wires. (Forgive my bad soldering skill. :nana

7. Since the MCPCB is larger than original, the insulating pad couldn't be installed. I use some Kapton tape to do the insulating job.

8. Put back the pill and head. The XR-E seems centered well. :devil:

The Lux reading @1m of my old M1 using OP reflector are: High 3710 and Low 770.
After the change, they are: High 4930 and Low 1110.
It's 33% increase on High.