Lumapower MRV - New owner has questions


May 9, 2006
So Cal
Finally received my MRV and I thought it had a reverse clicky option. Mine only has the momentary switch - and there was no other switch in the box. Should there also be a GID switch boot like the M1?

I notice very little difference in output when switching from high to low mode. I mean almost un-noticeable. Is this the experience of other MRV owners?

When turned on and shaken slightly, my MRV will flicker wildly and almost go out - placing pressure on the switching ring usually stops the flickering. Is there something I might check to correct this? Could this be related to the lack of difference between high and low?

Finally, I just don't get the MRV "holster". I don't see how anyone could get the light in this thing without a huge hassle. I suspicious that this holster was really designed for another light or something.

I don't mean for this to be a negative review. But, my expectations for this light were fairly high owing to the stunning quality of my M1.

I think I just need some feedback from other MRV owners.

Appreciate any information,
This is what I got with my MRV.

2 o-rings, GID and reverse clickie switch.


I noticed the same thing, not too much difference between high and low.

I received the same items with mine as Ernie did.

As to high/low, I don't see much difference on an 18650, but I do see more difference on two RCR123As. If you compare the actual beams as they project into a fairly dark sky, you can see the difference---in length, width, and intensity.

There's definitely a difference in runtime. StefanFS got 25 min. flat runtime on high on 2xRCR123As, and I got 2 hrs. 19 min. on low on 2xRCR123As.

In one of the other MRV threads, someone mentioned some flickering problems, in low, I believe.

Here are the other MRV threads that I'm aware of:
Thanks guys -

No clicky switch or extra O-ring with mine. Not under the cardboard of the box either.

AF, thanks for the links. I am running mine on a 18650, so maybe 2x RCR123 would make a difference in high / low intensity.

The flickering of this MRV on low is more than minor. It almost completely goes out, and seems completely intermittant. I can't really use it this way and am probably going to have to RMA it for a replacement.

Thanks for the replys.
I had to cycle it through two cycles of cleaning with Deoxit and Pro Gold. The flicker is gone for now I think. The nickle plate inside the pill tube was very dirty. Well, oxidized, not actual visible crud.
Mine has none of those issues. Sounds like it needs to go back. I did not like the momentary switch either and switched it for the reverse clicky.

I recieved my MRV last week and realized this flashlight was designed for tactical purposes. There is no real high and low settings it's just high. It's not very practical for everyday use. Mine arrived without flickering issues and I did receive the o-rings and clicky. You should send yours back.
Pellidon said:
I had to cycle it through two cycles of cleaning with Deoxit and Pro Gold. The flicker is gone for now I think. The nickle plate inside the pill tube was very dirty. Well, oxidized, not actual visible crud.

Ditto. Well, I only had to do one cycle of Deoxit and ProGold, and mine doesn't seem to flicker anymore.

dinokay said:
I recieved my MRV last week and realized this flashlight was designed for tactical purposes. There is no real high and low settings it's just high. It's not very practical for everyday use. Mine arrived without flickering issues and I did receive the o-rings and clicky. You should send yours back.

Tactical Purposes? Well, in some ways. Everyday use? Well, depends on your everdays tasks, but for the most part you're right, it's not really suited to that. But throw purposes? Definitely. This puppy was designed to make a lot of light and shove it into the retinas of the coyotes bothering your cattle 100 yards away. As for high and low settings, those are a matter of comparison, especially when using 2xCR123a. There IS a brightness difference in that configuration and low will extend your runtime substantially. On an 18650, the difference isn't quite as great, but there is a small difference. If you're not happy with the "low" setting just look at it this way: You've got two high settings and one will vastly increase your battery life. If you don't need any more than "high number 2" then just use that and enjoy the longer runtimes. :) For the record, I did receive o-rings and a clicky.