lumapower mvp or something else...


Newly Enlightened
Sep 6, 2008
I have been away from the forums for quite awhile so I might be in need of any updates to be had concerning my next light. The last light I purchased was a jet beam II which I cannot say enough good about. I had looked at the lumapower mvp (cree led) to be my next purchase. It seems the price is lower than when I looked into it 5 or 6 months ago. Is there anything new or on the horizon that might be as good or better than the mvp? Opinions please!! :popcorn:
What do you want ? Throw ? When you want throw and only throw than take a look at the Tiablo A9 with Collimator Head.
Otherwise take a look at the OLight M30.
yep, looking for mostly throw. something impressive for a hold in your hand type of light sized like the mvp. is the jet beam m1x similar to the mvp as far as output and quality? anybody done any comparisons?
I don't have the Jetbeam but can only speak very highly of the Lumapower MVP (3xCreeQ5). It looks great in my view, is a great thrower with entirely useful flood and is VERY solidly built. There is an excellent review of it here:

From what I can see there would be very little between the MVP-P7 ('Turboforce') and the Jetbeam M1X both of which are using the MC-E LED which as had been noted many times here is more of a floodie than a thrower.

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