Flashlight Enthusiast
HI guys. I received my Lunasol today. Man was I worried. Normally when I get something from Don it arrives very quickly.
This time was different I received the "sent" e-mail from Don last wednesday (the 26th) When it had not come by yesterday I went to my local "postal annex" they were of no help and told me to check with Hawaii since that was the last scan.
I figured I would get the normal Postal runaround but I called anyway.
Well I am here to tell you that if you have a need to talk to somebody at the post office Call the Hawaii Post office. I talked to a Lady named Tami and she was the nicest Postal person I have ever talked to. She was helpful, sympathetic, knowledgeable and extremely nice. The complete opposite of what I am used to at the post office.
Anyway the light showed up today. The Box was heavily damaged. It looked as though it had been jammed in a machine and folded over.
The box was not actually torn... and the light was not damaged at all. Thank goodness.
OK So here are a couple of images.
Look at how well this machining is executed!!! This is really fine work!!!
My first impression of this light is that it has wonderful balance.
It is extremely well designed When it comes to Don's wonderful flashlights there is nothing accidental about the design. They are worked out very carefully.
As always I feel really lucky to have got one of these.
The Beams yes plural...are very cool The first one which is activated by either a push on the piston or a twist is very soft and wide. At 5 foot the beam is about 5 foot wide. (this is approximate don't kill me if I am off)
There is NO hot spot.(or you could say it is all hot spot just not that hot) Just a soft smooth beam. The second beam ( a slightly harder push on the piston or further twist) is a graduated from the edges (which is the wide beam, both the ring of emitters and the Cree are activated when High is used) to the center which is a nice white hot spot. I tried hard to find another light with a similar beam. The Lunasol has a beam all it's own. The Utility of having 2 completely different yet very useful beams in one flashlight brings me closer to owning the perfect flashlight.
The Fit and finish is First Class all the way. IMHO while subtle Don's lights have always been built on one another and improved... they just keep getting better. The Titanium machine work is as close to perfect as you get. There are no major tool marks. I really have to hand it to Don's machine shop. They produce a first class product. This is a world of MIL spec and detail. Good machine shops live for projects like Don's. If a shop looks at what you bring them and a look of dread comes over their face walk away. I would be willing to bet that they love the challenge of Don's designs. They are very well executed.
I can't say a lot about the electronics. They come from Wayne and they work. The levels which Don has chosen for the Lunasol are just right for this light IMHO. I know that people wonder why Don doesn't push these emitters to their knees. I don't. Run at these levels (I don't know what they are off the top of my head check the FAQ if interested) produce enough light while preserving run time and the life of the emitters. Personally I am less concerned with a drive level in MAH as I am with the quality of the beam itself. These beams are very fine each one has it's own great qualities...Like being nice and white, well matched..and not too bright.
I am not one of those guys who feels the need to drive emitters to the max in every light I own. Don't get me wrong I like a bright light as much as the next guy. For me though the Lunasol is running at just the right levels.
One is soft and low and wide, the other is harder brighter and has good throw.
The Lunasol is an instant classic. Yes IN the future there will be other lights Don will no doubt create some other amazing creation. In the mean time The Lunasol will do....Very nicely
I do not know yet if it will become my only EDC light but I will certainly move it into the EDC lineup and see how it works for me as an edc.
I have been EDCing the E1B and have found it to be a great light. Not in the same league as the Lunasol though....
The Lunasol is extremely cool. Get one if you can. (there are only a hundred and fifty or so (maybe less) So it might be tough.
OK so these are my first impressions. Thanks for reading.
This time was different I received the "sent" e-mail from Don last wednesday (the 26th) When it had not come by yesterday I went to my local "postal annex" they were of no help and told me to check with Hawaii since that was the last scan.
I figured I would get the normal Postal runaround but I called anyway.
Well I am here to tell you that if you have a need to talk to somebody at the post office Call the Hawaii Post office. I talked to a Lady named Tami and she was the nicest Postal person I have ever talked to. She was helpful, sympathetic, knowledgeable and extremely nice. The complete opposite of what I am used to at the post office.
Anyway the light showed up today. The Box was heavily damaged. It looked as though it had been jammed in a machine and folded over.
The box was not actually torn... and the light was not damaged at all. Thank goodness.
OK So here are a couple of images.
Look at how well this machining is executed!!! This is really fine work!!!

My first impression of this light is that it has wonderful balance.
It is extremely well designed When it comes to Don's wonderful flashlights there is nothing accidental about the design. They are worked out very carefully.
As always I feel really lucky to have got one of these.
The Beams yes plural...are very cool The first one which is activated by either a push on the piston or a twist is very soft and wide. At 5 foot the beam is about 5 foot wide. (this is approximate don't kill me if I am off)
There is NO hot spot.(or you could say it is all hot spot just not that hot) Just a soft smooth beam. The second beam ( a slightly harder push on the piston or further twist) is a graduated from the edges (which is the wide beam, both the ring of emitters and the Cree are activated when High is used) to the center which is a nice white hot spot. I tried hard to find another light with a similar beam. The Lunasol has a beam all it's own. The Utility of having 2 completely different yet very useful beams in one flashlight brings me closer to owning the perfect flashlight.
The Fit and finish is First Class all the way. IMHO while subtle Don's lights have always been built on one another and improved... they just keep getting better. The Titanium machine work is as close to perfect as you get. There are no major tool marks. I really have to hand it to Don's machine shop. They produce a first class product. This is a world of MIL spec and detail. Good machine shops live for projects like Don's. If a shop looks at what you bring them and a look of dread comes over their face walk away. I would be willing to bet that they love the challenge of Don's designs. They are very well executed.
I can't say a lot about the electronics. They come from Wayne and they work. The levels which Don has chosen for the Lunasol are just right for this light IMHO. I know that people wonder why Don doesn't push these emitters to their knees. I don't. Run at these levels (I don't know what they are off the top of my head check the FAQ if interested) produce enough light while preserving run time and the life of the emitters. Personally I am less concerned with a drive level in MAH as I am with the quality of the beam itself. These beams are very fine each one has it's own great qualities...Like being nice and white, well matched..and not too bright.
I am not one of those guys who feels the need to drive emitters to the max in every light I own. Don't get me wrong I like a bright light as much as the next guy. For me though the Lunasol is running at just the right levels.
One is soft and low and wide, the other is harder brighter and has good throw.
The Lunasol is an instant classic. Yes IN the future there will be other lights Don will no doubt create some other amazing creation. In the mean time The Lunasol will do....Very nicely
I do not know yet if it will become my only EDC light but I will certainly move it into the EDC lineup and see how it works for me as an edc.
I have been EDCing the E1B and have found it to be a great light. Not in the same league as the Lunasol though....
The Lunasol is extremely cool. Get one if you can. (there are only a hundred and fifty or so (maybe less) So it might be tough.
OK so these are my first impressions. Thanks for reading.