Something, like you looking for extists. It's pure mathematical approach, but some manufacturers follows it, claiming their "range" distance, based on lux.
This formula assumes, that the minimum lux number on some surface, to see anything, is "0,25". Of course the longer distance, the harder to see details of object, when only 0,25 lux hits its surface. This formula assumes also that the air is crystal clear and doesn't absorp any light. In real life, the air is not clear, and some light is absorbed ...and when it finally hits the surface, this "reflected" 0,25 lux must return to your eyes through the same way. So, the longer the distance is, the more lux is absorbed by the air.
This simple forumla looks following:
distance [m] = sqrt (intensity [lux/1m] / 0,25)
For example, we have a small edc light that gives 625 lux/1m. So:
For a real thrower that puts out 50K lux/1m:
...More or less it looks like this. Of course, in real life those distances are little exaggerated.