Hey everyone,
I have a 4D M*G that I'm wanting to transition to LED. This would be an around-the-house light for power outages (and possibly a last-ditch baton...). ;-) Because of the cost and run-time (and the anticipated usage of this light), I have decided on the M*G-brand drop-in for this one. Per the runtime graph on, it drops to ~50% within minutes, but then stays steadily regulated at that level for over 40 hours. Clearly from the graph, the drop is due to a quick build up of heat, which causes the module to drop the output.
Now here's my question...if I were to use the light as an all-around light (i.e. 1 minute here, two minutes there, 10 minutes there), it stands to reason that the light wouldn't build and maintain heat like it would under the LONG-term runtime test done for FLR. If that is the case, the light would rarely run long enough to build up heat and self-regulate to 50%. This leads me to think that if I used the light in this manner, the emitter would almost always be running higher output than FLR's test, thus the batteries would last substantially less time than that graph. Seem reasonable?
On the other hand...the batteries may self-charge a bit between usages, which may counteract this (if ever so slightly)...
Does any of this sound right, or am I way off-base? I have plenty of other lights I plan to all-out mod later, but I'd like to try the M*G brand drop-in out of curiosity in this one....
Thoughts would be appreciated...
I have a 4D M*G that I'm wanting to transition to LED. This would be an around-the-house light for power outages (and possibly a last-ditch baton...). ;-) Because of the cost and run-time (and the anticipated usage of this light), I have decided on the M*G-brand drop-in for this one. Per the runtime graph on, it drops to ~50% within minutes, but then stays steadily regulated at that level for over 40 hours. Clearly from the graph, the drop is due to a quick build up of heat, which causes the module to drop the output.
Now here's my question...if I were to use the light as an all-around light (i.e. 1 minute here, two minutes there, 10 minutes there), it stands to reason that the light wouldn't build and maintain heat like it would under the LONG-term runtime test done for FLR. If that is the case, the light would rarely run long enough to build up heat and self-regulate to 50%. This leads me to think that if I used the light in this manner, the emitter would almost always be running higher output than FLR's test, thus the batteries would last substantially less time than that graph. Seem reasonable?
On the other hand...the batteries may self-charge a bit between usages, which may counteract this (if ever so slightly)...
Does any of this sound right, or am I way off-base? I have plenty of other lights I plan to all-out mod later, but I'd like to try the M*G brand drop-in out of curiosity in this one....
Thoughts would be appreciated...