M61WL vs M61L


Nov 2, 2009
I am trying to decide between these two emitters. I have the M61 in a C3 and I like ie a lot.

I want to put this in a G2 or a P6 and want the extended run time. Is there a big difference in brightness or tint betwwen these two?

Any advice or beam shots would be appreciated
Since you have a M61 why not go for the M61WL. I have a few warm drop in's and love them because they are great outdoors colors look more natural. The lumen drop has never bothered me because you get more runtime and more natural color. There isn't a big difference in reduced brightness just a small one I would say. Hope this helps
The warm is more neutral on the M61w than the M60w. You get less super blinding white light reflection. I prefer the warms.