Can someone help in answering if i can run two 18650 li ons with a ssc p7 with two 1400 amc boards? instead of purchasing the kd board.
Currently i have made a center tube adapter out of aircraft aluminum for the 2d mag light, which holds the 18650's. Total voltage is 8.4/ 5000 mah with the cells in series. Now i would like to build the circuit and contain it in the head , probably a custom aluminum heat sink machined to fit.
Am i going down the wrong path? I would like this light to be for distance.
thx Gord
Currently i have made a center tube adapter out of aircraft aluminum for the 2d mag light, which holds the 18650's. Total voltage is 8.4/ 5000 mah with the cells in series. Now i would like to build the circuit and contain it in the head , probably a custom aluminum heat sink machined to fit.
Am i going down the wrong path? I would like this light to be for distance.
thx Gord