For throw, you either need a larger diameter, and/or deeper length, and/or smooth reflector surface texture ("SMO"). However, some of the bulbs like the '623 are normally used in overhead projectors with focus lens & mirrors, and can have an ugly beam with a smaller (standard Mag Head) size reflector.

The ONLY viable option for a bulb like the 623 is the aforementioned 2.5" Turbo, or 3" reflectors. This is why some prefer the 64625 or 62138 with a little lower voltage....those bulbs look nicer.

Also a reminder if you get a nice reflector like FM's 2.5" make sure to limit your output to 20-40 seconds (& manually check temp of head) so you don't damage the reflector surface.
Lux, would I have to worry about the reflector surface for FiveMega's regular 2" reflectors?

I haven't had any problems with my 1185 bulb with FM's reflector yet. Do I need to be concerned with the lower power incans, or does the problem arise when going to the 50+ watt burners?

Bob E.
Bob, you got the source of the problem correctly. The higher watt bulbs put out more heat. If you use a standard head 2" reflector, FM's are the best (or Litho123 selling Carley brand). Use practical touch method to see how hot head is getting. Larger reflectors are mainly for a better beam quality/throw, but they also have a larger surface area to wick away more heat.
My own Personal experience running a 64623...I have once run one for the full runtime around 8 mins constantly when I needed to get out of a dark place. ( I think I had a break of about 30 seconds half way into the run, but It didnt cool down alot)

The reflector survived fine...As far as I can tell it was / is a 2" litho reflector ( I didn't make that 623...but it looks like my other new and unused Litho reflectors, although this must have been drilled out wider...or bought wider.)

Its my favorites, as its quite thick...and seems to be able to take the heat well.

That runtime "test" was done in the Summer...although England summer isn't exactly hot...but its not like it was snowing..if you get the idea.

However...Reflector coatings do "bubble". I have messed about with 250W osrams, and even being realy carefull, 10- 20 second bursts...I have very very very slightly bubbled a FM2" reflector.

I have seen destroyed photos reflectors using the same lamp ( 64657) ...and even heard of 64458's melting FM3" reflectors....which is weird, as I run a 64633...which tops out at the same temp as the 458 ( thanks again for the charts lux)...but I guess My friends 64458 was pushed longer, and harder than I push the 633 ( and the 458's I have used in the past.)

I think the about the limmit that these reflectors can take for a few minutes runtime....and to look at it another 10A on the 64623...thats about all the runtime you get in an 2D 13 cell package.:D

I have run a 6C 4 x emoli 26700 set up with the 64622, and 64633...but only for a few minutes at a time...4-5 mins tops, and that reflector survived OK aswell ( FM2") but its always hard to tell what has more V lamp over that and the 2D 623/633

I'm Still looking into reflector alternatives...With regards to not peeling..not sure if they will work though....its a bit of an uphill struggle ATM.
If you don't want to move away from the stock size Mag head then there is an option available.
I switched one of my 2D 64623 units from a FiveMega MOP to a Modamag M2 MOP and found the steeper parabola of the M2 versus the standard Mag parabola profile of the FiveMega reflector helped in redirecting some of the enormous spill of the 64623 back towards the central hotspot.
It's still a wall of light, but now it's a slightly tighter and brighter wall of light.

You can get custom reamed out Modamag M2 reflectors that work with the 64623 from the Sandwich Shoppe.
Also remember the potential heat damage is related to prolonged, repeated I'm not surprised that 1 or 2 continuous runs did not damage Raoul's reflector. I believe there are different quality batches even from the same (Carley) source that may supply to Litho & FiveMega. I have never had any of the 50+ metal reflectors from FiveMega, Litho, & Modamag show any damage, but I don't abuse them.

For 64623, make sure you order enlargement option from Sandwich Shoppe of 0.50"

Technically, 0.47" is a more precise bore size for this bulb, but .5" is close enough. LOP will give a bit more throw than MOP. Here is Modamag's original sales thread to show pictures. He lists .425 as adequate for Osram bulbs, but I guarantee it will not work on most of the Osram I have.