Mag85 bulb differences?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 2, 2007
On my Mag85,how would I tell if I have a potted bulb or a bi-pin bulb?


Also,how do I install the new WA1185 bulb? (Is it any different than installing a stock Mag bulb?)
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The potted bulb would have a bulb think like a normal PR2 bulb. A bi-bin would have two contact pins sticking out of the bottom, kinda like the minimag bulb except bigger, brighter, and under higher pressure.

Depends what bulb you have. Potted, just drop the bulb in. Bi-pin, you would need an adapter. Make sure not to let your hand touch the bulb. If it does get touched or similar, then clean it of the best you can with alcohol.
The oil from your fingers will absorb heat, and create a hotspot on the glass. This could casue the glass to crack, or explode earlier than the expected bulb life.
Is there a difference in life or quality in using a potted bulb and a bi-pin bulb?
In a nutshell, potted bulbs are like the stock bulb in a Mag flashlight. Bipin bulbs have two bare wires coming down, and require you also get a "bipin holder" of various types. This is a collection of bipin bulbs that I have been intentionally destroying.

(click on image)

Make sure you handle bulb with either a Kleenex or clean rag. If you accidently touch it and transfer skin oils or dirt on it, clean it off with isopropyl 'rubbing alchohol' and let dry....otherwise as jugg said the skin oil/dirt can create a hot spot which might crack/explode the bulb. These bulbs get very hot. :tinfoil:

Bipin bulbs are cheaper, but you need to factor in the one time investment of the bipin holder. FiveMega makes this one for most WA size bulbs, or KIU makes a whole separate bulb holder.

Yet another option is AW's driver and bulb holder. Decisions, decisions! LOL! :grin2:
I would reccomend using a bi-pin bulb and an adapter, the reason being that it was a topic of earlier discussion that the potted bulbs seem to fail earlier due to the lack of the pins not being able to move at all. And the potted bulbs are most often more expensive and in more limited supply.
