Magcharger Help (not charging)


Newly Enlightened
Oct 15, 2010
Hi from Australia!! Hoping you can help me...

Ive recently put a Terralux 300 in my mag charger and now it will not charge.. The red LED in the cradle does not come on.. Have tried another torch in my cradle and it worked, as did my battery in another torch. Ive also tried putting original globe back in mag lite..

Any idea or ways to test the torch would be appriciated??

Wishing i never bought the terralux 300.. Never had a problem before this..


Did you break any wires going to the connection to the charger? or disconnect it somehow as you added the terralux unit in?
Do you have a multimeter to do some continuity tests on the charging rings? Make sure the rings are electrically connected to the battery.
power definatly goes to rings.. The light actually still works and when run completly flat does actually get some charge in it, but the LED is not lit up and it only gets enough charge to run it again for a small time.
The light is fairly simple, and the only major components are the bulb and the battery. Have you tried another battery in this light?

Also, try taking it apart and putting it back together to make sure there's nothing loose.

Mmm.. Feel a bit silly... pulled it down, put it back together and all is fine.. Must just have had some dirt under the rings or in somewhere?

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