Maglite® LED 3D for $10


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 16, 2004
Bay Area, CA
Just want to let you guys know that the MagLite LED 3D is available for $10 if you use TV $5 coupons.

Lowes link
Coupon link

IMHO, just a great "inexpensive" gift to spread the flashaholic around.

Happy Holiday Everyone.
Thank you modamag for the links. Even better then the existing deal. Woot! I never thought I say this but got to get more Maglites! :D

I tried the true value thing and looked it up in my zip code, no Lowe's qualifies for me. :(
Thanks, went out and got 2 today. Good gifts. They were $14.97 each, so basically 2 for 1! :D
How do you use a True Value coupon to get another $5 off at Lowes? Am I missing something?
How do you use a True Value coupon to get another $5 off at Lowes? Am I missing something?
Lowes and Home Depot typically accept competitors coupons. However, most will not accept internet printed coupons any longer. YMMV. :shrug:
Yeah, and why do some Lowe's not qualify?
If there isn't a True Value hardware within so many miles of your local Lowes, then they're not a local competitor, and they definitely won't accept a coupon for them.