Maglite buildup questions.


Newly Enlightened
Sep 16, 2009
Been reading through a number of threads and I am now ready for the real questions :)

I have a number of Maglites and I want to build one of them up as a dedicated thrower. Highest lumens+throw possible through normal purchaseable items.

As this is my starting point, I want to clarify some questions I had about what to do.

1) Glass compared to plastic lens - is there a noticeable difference if you go to glass? Is there a 'best' source for glass and are there preferable coatings?

2) Malkoff P7 appears to be the most popular dropin. Is this still the preferred way to go?

3) Can you shim up a C or D cell Maglight enough to use AA Eneloops? If so, what is the minimum amount of cells needed to drive a P7 dropin? Will it work at all?

4) Has anyone installed the 'tactical' tailcaps and bezels? What are the opinions on these? Durable and worth it? Just in the way?

5) Are 18650's just that much better a choice for driving a hot Maglite?

6) Is 1 starting host better than another? Is the LED Mag better to start with? Any size better than another?

7) Anything else I should know about doing a build?

I do not currently have a purpose for this light. Once I build one I will then figure out how it fits in. I would like for it to be my walking light, hunting light, car light, home light, etc. I know I want a thrower, it needs to be bright and durability is important.

Some of my questions can only be answered by 'depends' I suppose. Since I do not have a listed purpose then put in your own opinions for questions like 'best' :)

Thank you for the replies.
1) Glass compared to plastic lens - is there a noticeable difference if you go to glass? Is there a 'best' source for glass and are there preferable coatings?
Glass will allow more light to pass through it than plastic. To maximize output, go with a AR-coated UCL lens. Try, Lighthound or maybe even Malkoff (haven't checked recently).

2) Malkoff P7 appears to be the most popular dropin. Is this still the preferred way to go?
The SSC P7 can throw OK, but the larger die (dice, technically) area of the P7 results in more of a floody beam, even with a smooth reflector. It you're going with a drop-in and want to maximize throw, look for one built around a Cree XR-E or XP-G emitter. Malkoff has some new drop-ins based on the latter.

3) Can you shim up a C or D cell Maglight enough to use AA Eneloops? If so, what is the minimum amount of cells needed to drive a P7 dropin? Will it work at all?
You can get AA->C adapters (or just wrap the AA's in heater hose, paper, etc.), but I'd recommend AA holder for D cell mags from forum members fivemega or mdocod. You can even bore a D cell out and cram 4x AAs for each D cell (fivemega makes those holders too).

The number of cells you will need varies from drop-in to drop-in. The Malkoff P7, for example, requires at least five.

4) Has anyone installed the 'tactical' tailcaps and bezels? What are the opinions on these? Durable and worth it? Just in the way?
I'd get the initial build out of the way first. You can always add a different bezel or tail later.

5) Are 18650's just that much better a choice for driving a hot Maglite?
If you're doing a simple build starting with a 2D Mag, 2x 18650 can have more energy than 6x AA Eneloops, and thus more run-time. Whether you prefer Li-ion or NiMH cells is up to you. Either will work fine for the sort of build you're considering.

6) Is 1 starting host better than another? Is the LED Mag better to start with? Any size better than another?
Stick with the incandescent Mags. They're cheaper, and most of the available modding parts are not compatible with the most recent LED Mags. The size will depend on which batteries and how many of them you decide to go with.

7) Anything else I should know about doing a build?
If you really want maximum throw, search here for "aspheric" or "aspherical".

I do not currently have a purpose for this light. Once I build one I will then figure out how it fits in. I would like for it to be my walking light, hunting light, car light, home light, etc. I know I want a thrower, it needs to be bright and durability is important.
Based on this, it sound like you want more of a general purpose light than a dedicated thrower.
Thanks for the reply.

Where I will be walking/hunting/etc. I will need a thrower (or at least want one).

So the P7 is not the thrower version. And if I want to really get a thrower going I need a aspheric lens.
I think in this case "throw" is relative. I have an aspheric mag that I made that is so focused that it would be useless for walking or working on the car if I break down but works great at lighting up the end of the field at my friends 300 acre back yard from his house. The P7 that I have (not a Mag) probably puts out around 500 lumens. It won't throw as well as the asperic mag but still has a lot of throw. It an still be used to see whats going on in my friends yard and has enough spill to be useful walking the dog or repairing a flat tire.

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