Maglite LED question

I have a Maglite 3D LED. It's good for what it is, decent output and very long runtime. But having one didn't stop me from getting a regular 3D and putting in a Malkoff. :grin2:
They're a Mag LED...designed for Mag Instruments, and there 1 million plus they won't fry your retinas in 2 nano-seconds...but they're twice as good as the krypton bulbs when it comes to lumens/runtime, and they pay for themselves by saving on batteries...and from the tests/diagnosics I've seen, the 3-D LED Upgrade is the most bang for the buck. I have Mag LEDs in my two 3-D's and my 4-D, and don't have any complaints!!! I have a Craftsman LED in my 2-D Mag (which, while not as bright...pretty damn close though, has a much wider volt range, so while the Mag LED's are limited to how many cells you use, the Craftsman LED ranges from 1.5 Volt's to 16.5(?), so you can use the same bulb on multiple lights). Hope this helps!
The 3AA MiniMag is a pretty decent light, if you can stand the extra length, and you can get one on sale. It's got plenty of throw and flood. Look for deals at Home Depot soon.

better than the Krypton blubs,

but more than a year behind in technology - means half as bright while still consuming the same current.

Get a Fenix instead - if noone else mentionned this by now :rolleyes:
The Mag LED is good bang for the buck, more for the extra runtime than for the brightness, however.

The Terralux is, I think, a nicer and brighter option, and you still get around 15 hours runtime in a 3D Maglite.
I have two 3D Maglites with the Terralux drop-in (the ones made for 2D/3D Maglites), and I have another 3D Maglite waiting for the Monster Throw III that's in the mail.

Maglite is doing the world great service by supplying GREAT, high quality mules that are easily upgraded from their original form factor.
If they were smart, they'd just quit including any kind of bulb/emitter at all. I'm thinking of the negative environmental impact of all those Krypton bulbs that are clogging up our landfills. :eek: :poke: :D
I just purchased a Maglite LED replacement bulb for my 3D yesterday(18.97 at Lowes). Improved overall brightness and about 20+ hours at the same level. If you already have a Maglite, and are really attached to it, the new LEDs are the same as the old lights with just an LED bulb, so no need to spend $35 for a whole new light. If you are not so attached to Maglites, Fenix lights are great.
I have a Mag led in an old 4D Mag. It works much better for everything with a flashlightlens UCL with light diffusing film. This makes for nice spill for walking and still gives you some throw - if you want it.
I have several of them. A 2AA, 3AA, and a couple 3c/d cell bulbs that I put in my older Mags. Definitely an improvement over stock incandescents. Brighter, longer runtimes, and makes an already very durable light even more so.
The AA version makes for a long running good EDC light:twothumbs

Actually, it does.
And let me give a quick comparison (but without beamshots because they're not necessary.... I describe things pretty well :naughty: )

So for those who have a Fenix L2D-CE/Q5 (or know someone who does), I compared the two side by side, and I can tell you that the Mag AA with the current Terralux TLE-5EX drop in, is exactly (EXACTLY) the same in brightness as the L2D-CE/Q5's medium setting. (That is, the medium setting in the low/medium/high/SOS mode) with the following exceptions;
the AA Terralux has a larger, more sharply bordered center beam than the L2D, and the AA Terralux has a larger spill area by about 15% in my estimation.
Of course, the L2D blows away the AA Terralux in high and especially Turbo settings, and the low setting of the L2D is great for walking around the house at night without burning your eyes...
BUT, the point is, while I wouldn't go out and buy a new Mag AA just for the purpose of putting a Terralux drop-in in it, if you do happen to have one laying around that you never use because it's so pathetic in it's original configuration, you should definitely at least get the Terralux and turn your little Mag AA into a really nice light that you can use.
Totally did that, then threw in an IQ switch - which totally kills the point of the cree diode (it has an in-line resistor). But focusing the Cree dropin properly sucks rather badly and is a bit ticklish, so I can't really rely on the twist-on switch... I think I'm going to get a Nite-Ize tailcap when I get around to it.

Makes an awful good nightstand light, though. Nigh perfect if not for the flakyness with the tailcap switch making the 'high' setting dimmer.
I have the 2D version and the 4D version. They are great throwers and they run forever on a set of batteries. They are great to keep around the house. I have used mine during power outages using the ceiling bounce. The 4D does not seem any brighter than the 2D but it should have twice the runtime.
If you intend to use a flashlight for Every Day Carry, such as a Minimag 2AA or 3AA you might want to consider offerings from Fenix.

However, in the C & D-cell arena, the Maglite LEDs are pretty much king. Maglites have fantastic bodies and switches.
I've found my MagLED 3D to be a great improvement over the 3D with xenon bulb. That said, my Q5/14500 modded Ultrafire blows it away; but then it should. With 2 days of continuous runtime and thermal regulation (reduced output during extended runs) means supurb runtime. Plus, its rather bulletproof.

Its maglite, great durability...acceptably brightness. FWIW, my light throws much better than its brightness should allow. I'm very happy with it, but its lost its place as my car light (at least temporarily) so I can see how my G2 does (lithium batts shouldn't suffer in the winter like D cell alkies).
My 2D and 3C Magleds are my go to loaners and emergency family lights. I know they have extremely long runtime, bright enough for most practical uses, and are bulletproof.

In a pinch, you don't have to worry or even think of:
  • build quality
  • battery charge level
  • operational tips or instructions to the user
  • accidental damage during use
  • the light not working reliably
Really, these have always been the strong points of a Maglite. Yes, I do have a Malkoff 2D that I use every night for dog walking; it's outfitted with UCL, Flashcap, and in a few days, 2 low-self-discharge nimh D cells. From 2 hrs on alks to 6-7hr runtime per charge! Gotta check the current draw on nimh cells.

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