Toutured 2xC and D cell mags as well as the monster 6xD dropped down cliffs.. ouch. My dog thinks they are a toy.
Still work great.
As usual it's the bulbs that go all the time. It's where mag instrument makes it's money. It's also why MIC was so lax in comming out with an led for their mag-lites. Also in all probability why the mag led's have thermal problems as well.
As far as construction the c/d cell mages are tops. Mini-maglites annoy me and as soon as MM AA style led flashlights came out i couldn't switch over fast enough.
Down side to conventional MAGs.
A: Bulbs (life and replacement cost).
B: Not all that bright on any model below 3 cells.
C: Plastic lens. All though very difficult to break, anything scratches it.
D: Large, heavy, clumsy. Seems to be designed more along the lines as a
weapon rather than a torch/light
To be honest. Any mag C/D model over 3 cells might require one to be he-man to wield (swing)it, and a wheel barrow to haul it.
Plus side:
A: Tough, durable
B: Focusable
C: Easy to change bulb