Maglite ML50 Anti-Roll Ring.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 30, 2015
Maglite has offered anti roll rings for their AA Mini Mag and big D cell lights for as long as I can remember, but they, so far at least, have neglected the newer ML50 and ML25's.


BYKFXER posted about using a Streamlight Stinger ring on the ML25 some time ago, but I couldn't find one that fits the ML50, so I 3D printed one.


I designed the to take Fulton MX991 colored filters, much the same way that the Maglite rings for the Mini Mag and D cell lights can accommodate colored lenses.

Very cool! I love it when you can solve a problem with technology. I love my 3D printer, and always get a charge from designing and printing things that work as designed.
Doesn't that make it harder to carry in your pocket?

Not really. The head on the ML50 is already too big to fit in most pockets, though you could temporarily carry it bezel up in a back pocket, particularly the 2c cell version.

Depending on how snug it fits, it should easily slide into the back pocket of relaxed fit jeans or trousers. I carry my ML150 bezel down in the back pocket of my trousers without issue. The snug part comes into play when plucking it out of said back pocket. Does it pop off or not when retrieving it……

Are you using a hard plastic xx? I'm not really up on what materials can be 3D printed. I like to say "I just learned how to program a vcr last year".

I'd like to see a thin raw metal ring cnc machined to fit between the tailcap and body with a slight protrusion to accept a wrist strap. Being raw metal would allow the circuit to remain intact on the ML lights.
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Depending on how snug it fits, it should easily slide into the back pocket of relaxed fit jeans or trousers. I carry my ML150 bezel down in the back pocket of my trousers without issue. The snug part comes into play when plucking it out of said back pocket. Does it pop off or not when retrieving it……

Are you using a hard plastic xx? I'm not really up on what materials can be 3D printed. I like to say "I just learned how to program a vcr last year".

I'd like to see a thin raw metal ring cnc machined to fit between the tailcap and body with a slight protrusion to accept a wrist strap. Being raw metal would allow the circuit to remain intact on the ML lights.

It's hard plastic - PETG which is the stuff that they make soda bottles out of. I printed this one a tad too tight so there's no way that it will pull off on it's own and the PETG doesn't snag like rubber does. There are more rubbery filaments that I could use, but I think I like the hard plastic better.

BTW, maybe you could show me how to program a VCR, (if they ever make a comeback) I only got up to the part where you put the duct tape over the flashing 12:00.