Maglite shotgun?


Nov 21, 2001
Land of Tulips and Philips
The right to express yourself has very little to do with gun control IMHO...

The Netherlands have very strict laws regarding weapons, yet is one of the most liberal countries in the world... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Of course this is just my own opinion, and yours may vary. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif


Feb 26, 2003
I think it's the parents' responsibility to shape their kids' behavior, not the teachers'. When the general public believes that parents are less responsible for children than teachers, well, prepare for the lawsuits:

"My kid used drugs; his school is responsible."
"My kid assaulted another kid; his school is responsible."
"My kid stole my unsecured firearm and shot someone; his school is responsible."

If a parent is indeed incapable of properly raising his child, the child should be removed from that parent's custody.

The school system has enough to worry about. Both my mother and girlfriend are teachers, and trust me, they're busy enough making sure little Johnny is properly clothed, properly fed, (and properly medicated), and if there's enough time left, properly educated. But when it comes to discipline, teachers have no authority to do so. That is the parents' responsibility. Imagine that.

Sorry, I've gone too far off topic as it is. Anything else on this should probably be discussed in the Cafe.

There's now a thread in the Cafe for this here.


Nov 21, 2001
Land of Tulips and Philips

Sorry to keep going OT, but I don't understand... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon3.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif

James S

Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 27, 2002
on an island surrounded by reality
Looking at those images I am guessing that the thing actually fires out the back end of the light? You can see it more clearly in the mini-mag pictures. but it really doesn't look like it comes out the front. Is there any extra information on these? I don't think I woudl want to use one of these, no matter how expertly crafted if they had a spring loaded trigger held off by a pin and the whole time the barrel was pointed right back at me!

The reason you can't save off the images is because they are embedded in java applets. This is to keep you from stealing the images, like you'd want to... So you would have to have a java capable browser with it turned on to see them.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 1, 2003
Breukelen, NY established 1646
Yes James it appears to fire out the back and judging by the picture the short length of barrel must make the shot spread huge. The mechanism looks very similar to the old .22 caliber pen guns. I definitely wouldn't want to be on the recieving end of the shotshell and I also don't think I would want to use the light if you have to point the barrel at yourself in the process.

TSG /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif


Feb 12, 2003
Over a MILE high, CO
I think the "pin" just holds the firing pin mechanism out of the way when not needed. The spring appears to be unsprung in this position, so accidental discharge should be next to impossible as long as the pin is in place to provide a mechanical firing pin safety. I believe from the looks of the pictures, you actually have to pull the firing mechanism back and release it to fire the weapon.

I knew this thread was going to be killed... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon3.gif Hey Empath, why not just move this thread to the Cafe instead of locking it?


Nov 11, 2001
The discussion of this will need to continue in the Cafe. I don't see any chance of it remaining on the topic of flashlights. It's closed.


Jun 17, 2002
Ok I unlocked it and moved it, but the post moving it is from arioch...wierd eh? Probably because he started the topic...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 13, 2002
Rottenchester NY
Anyway enough with this BS! I really like the .32/.380.22 pen mods done by ARES. I have seen their stuff for years, I think they also make suppressors. Eye candy at it's best.

Abe Furburger

Newly Enlightened
Dec 29, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
holtz58 said:
WOW I am going to get this for my wife for her birthday. I will tell her to see how bright it is she must shine it in her eyes and press the special button. hehehehe

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry, but this is sick - not humour.



Newly Enlightened
Jul 12, 2002
Hey... this is road__kill. I am the wife of holtz58, I am also a registered member here at CPF and you people here really need to get over his post, that is just his sense humor. I don't mind, in fact a got a laugh out of it. RELAX folks! If he was going to kill me I am sure he would use a Surefire, NOT a cheap


Aug 24, 2001
The Maglight/410 shotgun is classified as "Any Other Weapon" (AOW) under the National Firearms Act, and will not be easy to obtain.

You have to purchase from a specially licensed dealer, pay the license fee and fill out the paperwork.

I read that law enforcement in Italy had turned up cell phones converted to fire a single round. Anything is possible.

PS. It's still not funny Mrs. Holtz58


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 16, 2001
St. Pete, Fl.
I posted this flashlight months and months ago, and it didn't cause a stir like now, what gives? These are high end items, don't expect to see them on the streets.

They are legal to own and are legally made and sold.

The ring pin is the safety, has to be removed to fire, like on a hand grenade.

Its only a .410 shell, its not gonna pack a wallop like a 12 guage would. It will not knock you on the ground or knock the front door off it's hinges.

And any LEO that approaches you is going to be cautious anyways if you got a 3, 4 or more cell mag in your hand.

As I recall most .410 loads only hold 3 to 5 pellets, the 410 is not that large of a round. The "shotgun" term is misleading. I'm not saying it can't be lethal, just don't think "big bore" when you talk about the 410.

Though I don't have the link anymore, there was a "zip" gun disguised as a cell phone that fired 4-5 rounds of .22

The thing you have to remember it that ammunition creates tremendous amounts of pressure that stresses metal. Usually most homemade stuff looks like crap, are very crude, and is made to fire .22 ammo, due to its weak power and small size. If you don't know anything about firearms and ammo, there are several kinds of .22 ammo that range in different power levels, some being on the level of high end air rifles.

These items on the web site have to be manufactured professonally to withstand the rigors of firing the ammo they use so they won't blow up in your hand, to be able to withstand the pressure these higher calibre rounds produce when fired.

Just because its a firearm doesn't mean it goes bang and you're dead on the ground with one shot.

And if the guy's wife can take a joke why can't anyone else?

I'm not spouting off or flaming anyone. It does bother me though that this thread kinda reminds me of other forums that I do not frequent anymore due to the content infused by its members [refering to the other forums' participants]. One of the reasons I was so attracted to this group was the friendliness and courtesy of the members.

And technically speaking, the lights fire out of the opposite end than the lens, so if she was looking into the light to see how bright it is as so many I've seen do before, then pressed the button, the projectile would fire away from her. So it would probably be hubby that got shot!

And please don't tell me that the flashlight will fly out of her hands and hit her in the face cause blunt truama and eventual death due to having it impaled.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 24, 2001
N 40.711561 W 74.011753
webley445 said:
And if the guy's wife can take a joke why can't anyone else?

[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, it's just his brand of humor - obviously meant as a joke, even though the funny part was really realizing where the business end would be pointing, as it was told.
Unless something actually happened with this shotlight being used in some crime, I doubt we'll start having checkpoints to inspect our flashlights, like they do with our shoes now... it's just fortuitous that it's rather impractical to ban shoes, or there probably would have been some outcry to do so.

Charles Bradshaw

Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 14, 2002
Mansfield, OH
A .410 will do plenty of damage. I have experience with .410 shotguns.

Bart, you would need to understand The Constitution of the Republic of the United States of America, the first 5 Amendments thereof, and American political Ideologies. It is the last of those, that are truly insane, as the Dichotomies of Liberal and Conservative Ideologies are truly weird.


1: Pro Second Amendment
2: Pro Morality (Christian Protestant Fundamentalist aka Fanatic)
3: Pro individual Liberty, but, only in the context of 2 above.
4: vocally anti-gay (fits with 2 above)
5: Pro Parental Responsibility
6: Pro Self Defense


1: Anti Second Amendment
2: Wants Gays' votes, then turns on them after election.
3: Pro Communist (State Control of your life)
4: More tolerant of other religions, Spirituality, and belief systems.
5: Anti Parental Responsibility, yet blame the parents when the kids cause trouble!
6: Anti Self Defense


1: Both blame the other
2: Both engage in increased Government intrusiveness, although of different kinds and 'reasons'.

That's the nutshell of the top level ideologies. When you get to the actual people, things get thoroughly mixed in a hurry.

Primary points of the Second Amendment: the actual wording uses "Arms" not "Firearms." The citizens ARE the militia, not some group or State 'National' Guard. It is a Right, not a mandatory Requirement to Keep and Bear Arms. According to Benjamin Franklin, who wrote the Second Amendment, it is also the Final Check and Balance against Wannabe Despots!

In order to Impose Despotic Rule, you must first Get the Arms away from the Citizens (not JUST guns, dudes).

The Weapon is NOT the problem. The Abuser of the Weapon is the problem. Likewise, an underage kid doing wheelies on an ATV, who hurts himself, is responsible (as well as the idiot parents who permitted it), not the ATV, nor Dealer, nor manufacturer!!!

Yet today, thanks to the Liberal Ideology, we blame everything EXCEPT the abuser!!!!! Then pass more laws that restrict and constrict, instead of fixing the problem at its true source: the Abuser.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 19, 2002
39.42N 86.42 W
It would be perfect if the barrel was repositioned to converge with the dead spot in a standard mag beam pattern. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/naughty.gif

The neat thing about the .410 is that it should also chamber the 45 Long Colt round. I have seen derringers that chamber the .410/45 LC and some other cheapies as well as a Thompson Contender single shot pistol.

It wouldn't have great accuracy with the 45LC but it is a close quarter arm and would have more knockdown with the 45. Unfortunately it's a one trick pony as it looks like it takes longer to reload than an old muzzle loader. It would be a good snake deterrent arm for farm use if still unwieldly.

My main problem is that most of the time you are carrying it is pointing at you or behind you. Not something I would be happy doing.

I think it's more of a "look what we can make" kind of thing instead of a practical unit.

I don't think I will be rushing out to add it to my collection, flashlights or firearms.


Nov 21, 2001
Land of Tulips and Philips
Thanks Charles /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
LEDmodMan said:
No offense B@rt, but gun control and liberal go hand in hand...

[/ QUOTE ]

Ah, I think I get it now.. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ohgeez.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif

I meant "liberal" as in: [ QUOTE ]
Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.

[/ QUOTE ]

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