The Shotgun Thread


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 2, 2006
CA, 94087
Hey all, I'm sort of considering a new shotgun. I'm looking for semi-auto, 12ga, 3.5" Magnum, and reliable cycling with everything from very light field loads to 3.5" slugs. Available magazine extensions would be nice, but I'd like some opinions on those as well. I'd also prefer to spend less rather than more.

So, the Remington SPR453 is looking good. I couldn't find mag extensions for it online, but it has 4+1 (with 3.5") or 5+1 (2.75" or 3") capacity, has a tunable gas piston (to adjust for light or heavy loads), isn't too expensive, and is of the same series as my SPR100, which I like.
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Re: Shotgun shopping

Last time I was at a shotgun match the Barettas and the Benellis were popular. Super fast and held 8 or 9 rounds. Evil stuff :devil:
Re: Shotgun shopping

The SPR453 is a crude shotgun, but then again, it's also about the least expensive semi you can get ($400 even here in California).

Having said that, I've also seen Remington 11-87s for about $450, this is much more shotgun for the money in my opinion, plus there are plenty of aftermarket parts for it.

For roughly the same as an 11-87 you could get an 1100, which has more "tacticool" accessories available for it, but I don't think any of the 1100 models shoot 3.5" shells.

I recently fired a Winchester Super X2 (tacticool model) and I reeeeeeally liked it, kinda expensive though ($900+).
Re: Shotgun shopping

I say get a Remington 1187 or 1100. Not that expensive, well made, and you can find mods for it. has mag extensions for it as well as other mods for it.

[FONT=Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica]Tac Star Magazine Extension, Blue, Remington 1100/11-87 10 shot, barrel 26" or longer. Barrel to magazine clamp included.[/FONT] [FONT=Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica]46.99[/FONT]
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Re: Shotgun shopping

You know you want an M4...


Benelli Skeletonized Stock
MEPROLIGHT Tritium Sight Set
Briley Flush Black Oxide IC Choke
Mesa Tactical SureShell 6-Shot Carrier
SOCOMguy Full Length Magazine Tube
Benelli Full Length Magazine Spring
Callahan Red Aluminum Follower
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Re: Shotgun shopping

Definitely cool sheez. Adam, is that a Realtree M6? :eek:oo:

It looks like $450-range 11-87s aren't chambered for 3.5" Mag. The ones that are cost more like $6-700, it looks like (based on GunBroker).

The M4 is awesome, but no 3.5"... :(

So, Scott, what exactly do you mean by "crude"? Do you mean the functional machining, parts, or design aren't up to par, or is it just bare-bones? I'm okay with crude as in simple or plain, but definitely not okay with crude as in jams, breaks, or other malfunctions.
Re: Shotgun shopping

You know you want an M4...


Benelli Skeletonized Stock
MEPROLIGHT Tritium Sight Set
Briley Flush Black Oxide IC Choke
Mesa Tactical SureShell 6-Shot Carrier
SOCOMguy Full Length Magazine Tube
Benelli Full Length Magazine Spring
Callahan Red Aluminum Follower
:devil: I am so drooling right now...
I wan't one bad, but the price tag on that beauty would sink me.
Re: Shotgun shopping

You know you want an M4...

Oh, NICE shotgun. :twothumbs

I almost bought the basic M4 once but wimped out due to the weight (and the price). What I'd really like is one of the cut down pumps the police get to use.

Edit: My mistake, I almost bought the M3 with the combo auto/pump action. I liked the idea, but didn't like the weight.
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Re: Shotgun shopping

Adam, you should come out to Burro this on the 21st, a few guys on Calguns is getting a private range there. Shoot + BBQ

I thought collapsable stocks were not legal on a semi?

Benelli M4 is my fav shotgun
Re: Shotgun shopping

What I'd really like is one of the cut down pumps the police get to use.
Briley can cut and crown (including relocating the front sight post/bead) any barrel to your desired length. You will need to register the shotgun as an SBS if you do.

Adam, you should come out to Burro this on the 21st...
Shooting and BBQ sounds like a day of fun, but I most likely have to work past 5PM PDT when Burro closes. I am about thirty, forty minutes away, I'll check the Calguns forum for more information. We always spring for a private range when we head up there :thumbsup: .

I thought collapsable stocks were not legal on a semi?
If paired with a pistol grip stock in CA. This M4 currently resides in LV :) .
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Re: Shotgun shopping

if you want a "defender" benelli is the best IMO...look for M4 and M3 or don't know if you can get a Breda SPAS 12 :devil:

on the other hand if you are looking for a "normal" shotgun Super-Magnum (3,5") I'd suggest BERETTA XTREMA 2
Re: Shotgun shopping

I own a few shotguns, and shoot them on a weekly basis. They include a Benelli M1S90, Winchester 1300 Defender, Beretta 3901, and Mossberg 930. I can offer some insight I think.

I personally would not get a Remington auto. The deal with the o-rings is just a non-starter for me. If you're looking for entry level, and you're dead set on 3.5" (I don't see a need for them, but to each his own), get the Mossberg 935. It has the simplicity of a Beretta style gas system, is cheaper than the Remington, and they come in all sorts of configurations. Mossberg USA customer service is absolutely fantastic also. You can find these just about anywhere too.
Re: Shotgun shopping

To hit on the 3.5" requirement again, I thought I'd mention that even my 18.5" Mossberg 930 and 22" Benelli M1S90 won't cycle some of my 7/8oz reloads. They will cycle every factory field load I've tried in them, and every target load, but my point is that unless you're hunting and the only shell you can get your hunting load in is 3.5", there aren't many guns that will span that range of pressures, especially in short barrels. Putting the 28" field barrel on my Mossberg and it'll cycle damn near anything, even 7/8oz undercharged with 17gr of Clays instead of 18.5.

Why do you want 3.5" again?

EDIT: Join us over at and you'll get more information than you ever wanted to know.
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Re: Shotgun shopping

So, Scott, what exactly do you mean by "crude"? Do you mean the functional machining, parts, or design aren't up to par, or is it just bare-bones?
So, Scott, what exactly do you mean by "crude"? Do you mean the functional machining, parts, or design aren't up to par, or is it just bare-bones?

Partially quality of the parts in terms of machining, and partially the ergonomics of the gun. With the way the parts fit, I felt there were too many exposed sharp edges, such as where the stock meets the receiver. There's a "step" where the receiver is wider than the stock, and when you shoot the gun your face is only about an inch from that area. The trigger also felt rough/sharp to the touch, but that could be smoothed if you wanted.

The front sight is difficult to see. I don't know if it has a standard U.S. thread that will accept aftermarket sights.

The small parts are roughly machined and look like they were hand-fitted at the factory rather than just "bolted together" as you'd expect if the parts were close-tolerance. So, getting replacements will probably be difficult, because in my experience, companies that build hand-tuned guns just don't provide parts. If an extractor breaks, the gun might be permanently out of commission! Though honestly I cannot tell you this for certain, it is just a hunch. Remington might have a service department for the Spartan brand, but somehow I doubt it.

Oddly enough, this morning I was talking with my coworker about the price of handgun and rifle ammunition, which is rising with the price of copper. Shotgun ammo seems fairly resistant to the price swings of commodities, so it's still relatively cheap to blow clay disks apart for an entire weekend. So no matter what it is, GO GET ANOTHER SHOTGUN!!! ;-)
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Re: Shotgun shopping

The SPR453 and other shotguns under the Spartan name are imported by Remington from a Russian manufacturer called Bakail. They have a faithful following, but I have not been impressed their products. I have seen 3 critical failures in their over/unders. The semi-autos might be of better design, but I would not put much stock in it.

Tru-glo makes a front bead kit with 5 different sight holders that will surely contain one with the right threads.

Shotgun ammo prices fluctuate less quickly than other ammunition because of the way lead shot contracts work. They typically establish a price from the manufacturers for a given amount of time, sometimes years. If lead goes up or down, the price may be fixed for the ammo manufacturer. However, the prices do change. 2 years ago, a case of Remington Gun Clubs went for about $38. Now, the same case is about $50.

Loose shot and other reloading components tend to fluctuate more quickly. 2 years ago, i was buying #8 chilled shot for $84/100lbs. 6 months ago, it jumped to $140/100. I don't know where it is now, I've been shooting less expensive stuff recently.
Re: Shotgun shopping

if you want a "defender" benelli is the best IMO...look for M4 and M3 or don't know if you can get a Breda SPAS 12 :devil:

on the other hand if you are looking for a "normal" shotgun Super-Magnum (3,5") I'd suggest BERETTA XTREMA 2
You lucky *******s with your assault weapons! :rant: I live in CA, where the SPAS12 is specifically banned. :ohgeez: Still, I guess not being able to buy one of the coolest shotguns ever has a silver lining. If I had one, then every time I said something like, "I'm going out shooting with my SPAS12," my dog Spas would think I was talking to him. :)

I want 3.5" because it's powerful, it makes for a (slightly) wider range of available ammo, and because my SPR100 only chambers up to 3". :) I'd prefer getting the longest available barrel for the most power/accuracy.

I discovered yesterday, and I still have a lot of reading to do. The Baikal MP153/Remington SPR453 seem to have quite a following there.

It looks like a magazine extension for the SPR453 is illegal or something, so I guess that's out. However, does anyone know how easy it is to find and fit a pistol grip stock to one of these?