Magnetic base ghetto USB Light


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 26, 2004
Buenos Aires / Argentina (I like ribs)
I was needing a detachable light for my milling machine, so instead of buying one, I used this recipe:

- Take one of these: (kid broke the leds contact so it was just a simple fan with no eye candy, no loss here) I kept the fan on-off button
- Then add a Luxeon III u-bin, not state of the art LED but it still does the job
- Add a downboy400 and a spare Neoca Wood head in aluminium.
- Add a UCL lens, an oring and an IMS17 reflector
- Then look at the scrap alu box for a small bar to accomodate 3 powerfull neodymium magnets
- Add epoxy glue to the magnets
- Add an USB extender and shrink tube to make the cable longer and fix it to the alu bar

Some soldering, some more shrink tube to hold things in place and you get this:



Second photo shows a multimeter measuring temperature, thats 42C (106F) after 30mins, not touchable, but I think the LED will survive :)

Best of all: Not a cent spent in new stuff and it does the job!


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