Malkoff 3D dropin with 9AA>3D convertor?


Oct 12, 2007
I have a Malkoff D dropin that I run in a 3D Mag using 3 Alkalines. I wanted to know can I use a 9AA to 3D convertor with Eneloops?

The Malkoff has a max input voltage of 9V, so no. You could use it in a 2D mag with 6 Eneloops though.
if you have the 2-3-4 version max voltage is 6v ....the 4-5-6 is 9v max

you can try 4c if you want
series adapters, no. parallel adapters, yes.
+1 In series the voltage adds:poof:, in parallel the capacity adds(mah) for a longer runtime(though with 3 eneloops in parallel the capacity would be 6,000mah vs 10,000mah NiMh D).
Depends on how the adapter is set up. Most are in series, so the module would fry from the voltage. But it should work if the adapter is wired in parallel and series(3 parallel for each D size and 3 of those in series).
If you can find a 3xAA to D parallel adapter for a reasonable cost, make sure to let us know. The only one I know of is 2xAA to D.
Ok thanks guys, also I guess this should be in the battery section? Mods if you see this please move. Sorry about that.

Lastly so if I continue to use D cells, what are good batteries to buy that will drive this sucker to its potential?

I don't know too much about batteries(so no specific brands) but most would say Low Self Discharge batteries with over 8000 mAh.