Malkoff Devices 240 lumen maglite mods with U bin Seoul P4?


Dec 8, 2006
Vancouver BC
Searched on ebay for "maglite" and found this guy selling Maglite mods using U bin Seoul Semiconductor P4's claiming 240 Lumens. Has website at looks kinda overpriced since these LED are only $14 each (see this thread), but then again he must have a lot of copper in his heatsinks.

Searched CPF for Malkoff but found nothing. Browsed through Dealers corner and other section but found nothing. Just thought I'd post this in case some other people had not heard of him and his site. Gotta be the brightest single LED MagLite mod available at the moment right? How did I miss this development?
Anyone own one? I'd like to hear what they think, it looks like a great mod.
Prices look pretty reasonable to me - There's a driver IC involved, plus metalwork modifications for the heat sink.
I would like to see some independant evaluation also. Everyone who buys one really likes them (see my Ebay profile). I've sold about 60 or so, both locally and online, in the last 5 months. I was thinking of sending one to Zspectre for evaluation. I will gladly answer any questions.

Thanks, Gene
Skibane said:
Prices look pretty reasonable to me - There's a driver IC involved, plus metalwork modifications for the heat sink.
Agreed. This is not a simple drop-in upgrade.

I'd consider going for it, but I'm looking for more of a flooder/wall-o-light kind of a thing in a Mag 2D/3D form factor. Something with a pattern more like the Tricarus or Tri-Star Phazer. I'm guessing that can only be achieved with multiple LEDs.

Or... I wonder... I wonder what would happen if you threw an OP reflector into one of these?
Looks like a decent deal. If I hadn't just spent about $75 modifying my 4D, I would seriously consider it. In fact, I may even put mine for sale but I just don't know if too many people want a K2 now. Gene, besides the LED and the heatsinking, are there other mods made (i.e. UCL/Borofloat, reflector, switch, tailcap)? I'm thinking I may be able to scavenge some of the parts on mine and sell the rest. I put 4AA to D converters (parallel) in mine running lithium AAs. Or could I run the LED in my 4D? Its running about 7.3V unloaded. That would be ideal if I could just swap it in and sell the K2.
I do make some of the stippled/sputtered reflectors. It produces a nice flood beam with those. The driver won't handle much more than 4.5 volts, so 3 D is the largest I produce.

Thanks, Gene
qip said:
nice light , im curious to see what the heatsink looks still have focusability so you must have a cam and the heatsink is similiar to this style i assume

Actually you don't need the cam to have focusing capability. There are many flashlights out there that simply raise and lower the head/reflector assembly to perform focusing. This mod basically has the LED emitter at a set level and when you twist the head, it raises or lowers the head/reflector to achieve focusabilty. I own one of Gene's K2 mods and it is indeed well produced. His heatsink design using a copper cylindrical-like framework that creates a pathway to the flashlight body does an excellent job for thermal management. It different from the traditional O-sink/Hotlips that Mag modders have been using, but does the job just the same. For a straight-forward modded Mag, I don't think you could go wrong with one of Gene's flashlights. :goodjob:
Ace0001a is correct. The cam assembly has been eliminated. The heatsink, driver, and led are all incorporated in the copper assembly which is press/friction fit into the body. This provides for over 3 square inches of direct heatsink to body contact.

My Ebay handle is: gene1763
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Well, after weeks of looking at all my options....I finally pulled the trigger and ordered one of Gene43's 3-D m@g mods. I have depended on my M@gcharger and 6-D for years but they eat a lot of batteries and bulbs, so I hope this is the replacement I have been looking for. I will be sure to post some photos of "real life" outdoor use as well as an estimate on battery consumption. I will use it for anywhere from four to eight hours in a single night of research in the California desert.
Booked marked here too, wish I had the cash right now the 2D version is a dream of mine, and I'd like to prove the therory that Id pay this amount for a regulated mag HELL YES, I spent over $100 on mods and still don't have the MAG that I wanted which is the 2D MAG he sells. Regulated 200+ lumens, focusable, simple 2D off the shelf. I got to start thinking of what I could Sell.
Does those lights are equipped with boost circuit???

Would they reach full brightness on 2 nimh???

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