Searched on ebay for "maglite" and found this guy selling Maglite mods using U bin Seoul Semiconductor P4's claiming 240 Lumens. Has website at looks kinda overpriced since these LED are only $14 each (see this thread), but then again he must have a lot of copper in his heatsinks.
Searched CPF for Malkoff but found nothing. Browsed through Dealers corner and other section but found nothing. Just thought I'd post this in case some other people had not heard of him and his site. Gotta be the brightest single LED MagLite mod available at the moment right? How did I miss this development?
Searched CPF for Malkoff but found nothing. Browsed through Dealers corner and other section but found nothing. Just thought I'd post this in case some other people had not heard of him and his site. Gotta be the brightest single LED MagLite mod available at the moment right? How did I miss this development?