Malkoff engraved vs labeled ....


Jun 3, 2009
by a lake in PA
Aside from the painfully obvious ...

What is the difference between the Malkoff M60 series w/engraved heatsink and the M60 series with the sticker label?
I mean, why the sticker? I much prefer the engraving for ID of the unit.
Stickers can peel off.
Does Gene do the engraving on his own units - and the contracted dealers have the decals maybe?

Just curious ..:thinking:
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Re: Malkoff engraved vs label ....

Check out this thread - lots of explanatory info & pics there. I think that thread is the best old vs new M60 comparison thread on CPF.

Some of the engraved M60's will be the earlier version with the slightly narrower optic for a tighter hotspot.

I've used both and from what I've seen, the hotspot was tighter and more evenly lit in the earlier engraved modules. YMMV of course.
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Re: Malkoff engraved vs label ....

The very early engraved units used the narrower optic which was evidenced by a slight stipple effect within the optic. Many of the later engraved units used the wider optic that moved one of the concentric rings from around the hotspot further into the spill.

The labelled units were manufactured by an outside source. There is no operational difference between the later engraved units and the labeled ones.

It was still a bit of a lottery with regards to tint and the centering of the emitter within the optic.

And the labels don't just fall off - unless you get them wet on a regular basis. :laughing:

Re: Malkoff engraved vs label ....

I've had an engraved and a labelled m60. The labeled has a perfect beam while the engraved was slightly off. Incidentally I had to remove the label to get it to fit inside my natural md2.
Re: Malkoff engraved vs label ....

The labels on a couple of M60's I've got are neither losing their grip or adhesive properties despite being used in a couple of lights for well over a year. I know this because I just checked them. The fact that the M60 modules are not hand engraved makes them appear more professionally made in my opinion but I realise that some may prefer the hand engraving either because they feel it provides a more permanent identification or because it alludes to the personal input of its creator Gene? Whicher way its marked its still a Malkoff which to me is the important thing. As I don't see any Trademark on the modules perhaps that to me is a more important omission? Whilst I know that the cost and time of laser engraving whould be prohibitive for a small company it is, to me at least, a shame that their isn't one?
Re: Malkoff engraved vs label ....

Engraved ones are handmade. Labels are on the Production versions.